Comments on Profile Post by Aqua's Lover

  1. EvilMan_89
    yea there's codes for that. but they have to be hacked for every room and object :(
    Apr 1, 2013
  2. Aqua's Lover
    Aqua's Lover
    oh..Thats a Shame..cause i wouldnt mind vs twlight xenmas where you fight the twlight throrn but there isnt any objects isnt there? What about relocation could that work cause replace where roxas fought sora with xenmas fight am i right?
    Apr 1, 2013
  3. EvilMan_89
    enemies/bosses count as objects as well. so you could change them to other enemies/bosses
    Apr 1, 2013
  4. Aqua's Lover
    Aqua's Lover
    How do i do that? By replacing donald and goofy and guest?
    Apr 1, 2013
  5. EvilMan_89
    you can do that too. probably much easier as you just need to use the Universal Character Mods.
    Apr 1, 2013
  6. Aqua's Lover
    Aqua's Lover
    Twlight Xemnas's Digit is not there,Do you know where i could find it?
    Apr 1, 2013
  7. EvilMan_89
    try looking for "Final Xemnas" in the UCM list
    Apr 2, 2013
  8. Aqua's Lover
    Aqua's Lover
    Oh..If just found it Thank you..Also will there ever be a Boss replacemnt codes in pal thread
    Apr 7, 2013
  9. EvilMan_89
    only if the PAL users feel like hacking the codes.
    Apr 7, 2013