Comments on Profile Post by strfruit

  1. Scarred Nobody
    Scarred Nobody
    Hey. Sorry about that. I've been busy with school. I'm doing okay though; mostly been good days. I was able to get a copy of Les Mis. XD

    How are you?
    Mar 29, 2013
  2. strfruit
    No worries. :)
    How's school going?
    xD you and Les Mis! I need to see it still....for shame on me v.v

    I am great! Lots of school work, but things have been really well for me lately. Thanks for asking!
    Mar 29, 2013
  3. Scarred Nobody
    Scarred Nobody
    It's going okay. Just struggling with economics, but I'm doing okay.
    Yes, me and Les Mis. It's freaking epic. XD And yes, for shame on you.

    You're welcome.
    Mar 29, 2013
  4. strfruit
    Oh noez! Economics :/ You will do good in the end! Have confidence! :DDD
    v.v yes yes...for I will definitely watch it this summer. Everyone has said it is good. So it is on my list of must watch :P
    Mar 29, 2013
  5. Scarred Nobody
    Scarred Nobody
    Yeah, I hope so. All of the grade in there is tests, so I really need to pick up these next few weeks. I have a feeling I can do it though.
    LOL, I'd loan my copy, this is probably the only movie i would never lend out to anyone. XD
    Mar 29, 2013
  6. strfruit
    Yes! You can do it! ^-^ Stinks that it's all tests. I know that feeling very well. @.@

    >3< lol!!
    Your -gollum voice- preciousss! Hahaha!
    Mar 29, 2013
  7. Scarred Nobody
    Scarred Nobody
    Yeah, I hope I can. Just got to really focus in that class. It sucks because it's early in the morning and I nod off every now and then. The majority of my classes this semester are like that. it's a bit annoying.

    Haha, yep.
    Mar 29, 2013
  8. strfruit
    Ehhh :/ morning classes can be the worst. Especially during lecture courses.
    Mar 31, 2013