Comments on Profile Post by Llave

  1. Amaury
    Thank you, bro. Means a lot. Really.
    Mar 14, 2013
  2. Llave
    glad you like it bro!
    Mar 14, 2013
  3. Amaury
    Well, you're an amazing graphics artist. c:

    The other one I listed in your shop can just be done when you have time. It's for KH-MF. I'm using a temporary one I cropped currently.

    Will your shop be closed forever or is it just because you're busy right now? Additionally, sorry for any bother I might have caused.
    Mar 14, 2013
  4. Llave
    No it wasn't you who caused me to close it. I actually like doing avatars since they are fast and easier than everything else. It just frustrated me that whenever I was free, no one requested, and when Im swamped, I got requests left and right. I decided to close my shop because I didn't want to be a further disappointment, i've made too many people wait because of it.

    That doesn't mean you cannot continue requesting. I may have it open in the future, but who knows.

    And ok lemme get that one done, whats the character's name btw?
    Mar 14, 2013
  5. Amaury
    Kraz Muehler from Phantasy Star Portable 2.
    Mar 14, 2013
  6. Amaury
    Yut Jun Yunkers is also from that game.

    In regards to the shop, that seems kind of ironic, if you want my honest opinion. XD
    Mar 14, 2013
  7. Llave
    Mar 14, 2013
  8. Amaury

    Would you like some seriousness with that irony? :3
    Mar 14, 2013
  9. Llave
    how so? :x
    Mar 14, 2013
  10. Amaury
    Well, you have irony on one side of the tray and seriousness on the other side. =P
    Mar 14, 2013