Comments on Profile Post by Meilin Lee

  1. Princess Rapunzel
    Princess Rapunzel
    StardustXtreme has some computer issues at the moment, so how 'bout I start the flashback with the Rangers and the Riders arriving at the Command Center and you continue from there? As you could tell, I have control of some of his characters.
    Mar 5, 2013
  2. Meilin Lee
    Meilin Lee
    If that's the case, can you hold it for just a bit. I just need to post something with Zordon and Alpha to set it up. Also, should the evnts have happened a year before, or 3 years when the plan was first thought of?
    Mar 5, 2013
  3. Princess Rapunzel
    Princess Rapunzel
    I think it would be best to have it a year before, because Shotaro and Philip became Kamen Rider W a year prior to the start of the series.
    Mar 6, 2013
  4. Meilin Lee
    Meilin Lee
    One year, got it. Once I post the flashback, you can have all the characters we talked about arriving at the command center
    Mar 6, 2013