Comments on Profile Post by strfruit

  1. greater_bloo
    I've been good! ^_^
    How about you? Oh yeah how goes that animation you were working on a loooooong time ago? xD
    Jan 12, 2013
  2. strfruit
    Great to hear!!
    I have been quite well myself :D Thanks for asking!

    We sadly had to put it on hold because of classes and other projects ;____;, but hopefully we will start it up again!
    Jan 12, 2013
  3. strfruit
    We are moving forward with the animation again! Very excited :)

    A title has been decided. It shall be called Raincoat. We are going to use my friends characters and story line for his senior project, so all the character designs will be courtesy of him :) but I will keep you updated! I may have some character pics soon to show you!
    Feb 5, 2013
  4. greater_bloo
    Awesome sauce! ^_^ And thanks I'm very interested! :3
    Looking forward to seeing those pics! xD
    Oh and if you need a voice actor for the animation...*points at self while smiling* xD
    Feb 5, 2013
  5. strfruit
    :) I actually think he designed them all female except for one who doesn't really say anything, sadly lol, but if you have a lovely female voice....yes! I will definitely come for you! XD
    Feb 5, 2013
  6. greater_bloo
    You should hear my Kairi! ;) But seriously, I have some female VA friends as well who would be happy to help if you want! xD And I'd be happy to voice the quiet guy if you need me to! ^_^
    Feb 5, 2013
  7. strfruit
    Haha! Awesome! I will talk to my friend and see if VA's are still needed. If so, I will definitely contact you :)
    Feb 5, 2013