Comments on Profile Post by Railos

  1. Odamadillo
    Sorry mate I got caught up reading Sonic comics.
    Dec 28, 2012
  2. Railos
    It's ok, by the way, if you did make a Christmas message for me what would it say?
    Dec 28, 2012
  3. Odamadillo
    So are you asking me to write one for you?
    Dec 28, 2012
  4. Railos
    Could you please?
    Dec 28, 2012
  5. Odamadillo
    cse2311 a new friend to me
    This is something you wanted to see
    And I'm more than happy to send
    A message to my friend
    So though this faced a delay quite long
    It doesn't mean the words are any less strong
    So the last thing to say
    I wish you a wonderful New years day!
    Dec 28, 2012
  6. Odamadillo
    I wrote a new years one for you instead lol.
    Dec 28, 2012
  7. Railos
    Wow thanks. :D You're really good at this. Nothing makes me smile more than a really good greeting.
    Dec 28, 2012
  8. Odamadillo
    Yeah I've always been good at this kind of thing. But I never thought to pursue it until a few years ago.
    Dec 28, 2012