I did get XenoBlade Chronicles when the game first came out I just didn't play it until I got back from college the 1st time around. I got Halo 4 and Kh3d how about you?
I mean if you feel you're nasty with the rp's show off your skillz. I don't like to rp in the forums since no one knows how to keep something going. Outside life yea that's understandable, but make it of interest though
Do you find doing that kinda stuff a lot easier since your mind can let loose and just make it all raw woo... I mean just start from scratch and do whatever like that
Yesh so when you rp do you sort of like compete with the other person to see who can really get them thinking so the reply back is even better than the one before so the story keeps going?
Oh dear me please forgive me for not getting back to you I didn't even see the comment I feel like such a mark. <.>" An rp using kh characters huh? Are you doing it based of a certain time period of Kingdom Hearts or just using any of te characters and doing whatever?
Hm.. Well I don't know XD I guess just don't get in a rut or anything like that, it kills the rp. And try to always give a reply that the other person can create a good reply off of, instead of like "your character: *smiles*", try to make it a little longer or something so they can reply something good. And if it does get in a rut, just think of something,no matter how random, for your character to do or say that'll pick the rp back up again... As you can probably tell I'm awful at explaining/teaching things. XD I hope that helped though? Just a little? XD
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