Comments on Profile Post by Rayku

  1. Odamadillo
    I was too in fact I think I knew you through Zeo.
    Dec 11, 2012
  2. Rayku
    Well I was a friend of his back then too, maybe that's why?
    Dec 11, 2012
  3. Odamadillo
    Well if I am following you now it must mean I added you as a friend then. What is it you used to do here around then?
    Dec 11, 2012
  4. Rayku
    Well...I was kinda all over the place to be honest. I wasn't really known for anything really? I kinda dabbled in the writing and RP sections? Uhm....and I was friends with a lot of people here.
    Dec 11, 2012
  5. Odamadillo
    I did alot of reading back then so maybe I read one of your old works.
    Dec 11, 2012
  6. Rayku
    I guess. I honestly don't remember much save for a few people I'm close with here...
    Dec 12, 2012
  7. Odamadillo
    I am not surprised I actually vanished for two years.
    Dec 12, 2012