Comments on Profile Post by Technic☆Kitty

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  2. NightofNights
    lol ok thanks! may wanna do that now because I seem to have bought myself a bit of time due to the Bones being on.
    Nov 14, 2012
  3. Technic☆Kitty
    OMG I've never loved Bones more in my life. Ok, first up this is a school life romance, and has a tsundere character lead. Acchi Kocchi . . . if you've ever read or watched Lucky Star the animation is similar but it's just so kawaii!! =^.^=
    Nov 14, 2012
  4. NightofNights
    lol sound awesome^^ I'll have to look it up next time I go online
    Nov 15, 2012
  5. Technic☆Kitty
    So what's up with your internet? Is it like a problem on your end or is it the service provider?
    Nov 15, 2012
  6. NightofNights
    ah. Internet bill wasn't paid fast enough so it got cut. So ya. Don't know when mom will be getting it rehooked. but ya. >.< May be on tomorrow Idk. ttyl!
    Nov 15, 2012
  7. Technic☆Kitty
    That would be great, alright c ya later ^_^
    Nov 15, 2012
  8. Technic☆Kitty
    Hey, in Reboot I was thinking since it's all the way back . . . Nights won't remember you're his sister. In fact, he won't have met any of you just yet . . . that saddens me a bit. But I can strengthen relationships this time around where as last time I didn't really talk with anyone, at the beginning.
    Nov 16, 2012
  9. NightofNights
    So true! and NoN'll be back! XD YAAAY!~
    Nov 17, 2012
  10. Technic☆Kitty
    Wow i thought u was off for the nite so i let myself get preoccupied -_- that sucks. but i'm glad you're still here ^_^
    Nov 17, 2012
  11. NightofNights
    Yup! I'm still here! srry I was playing bingo. nearly won too. >.< so damn close...
    Nov 17, 2012
  12. Technic☆Kitty
    Lol, like on the computer or for realz? and don't worry, we both have a habit of dropping out for periods of time lol
    Nov 17, 2012
  13. NightofNights
    for reals. radio bingo. it's sorta like a family thing.
    Nov 17, 2012
  14. Technic☆Kitty
    I probably wouldn't have asked had I checked Discussions lol i'm loving this Reboot thing, we need to get the others in on it tho
    Nov 17, 2012
  15. NightofNights
    IKR! nas should at least be on. >.< where ever the guy is.
    Nov 17, 2012
  16. Technic☆Kitty
    He's usually pretty good with keeping up. He might not have seen the group invite . . . maybe I should message them about it . . . by them i'm including CR. Joe would want to know to but it's hard to tell when he'll be back on again. I haven't heard from SH in so long either . . .
    Nov 17, 2012
  17. NightofNights
    Ya neither have I.. Kinda worries me.
    Nov 17, 2012
  18. Technic☆Kitty
    I feel bad for all the times i'd disappear for long periods, if everyone felt the same way we feel now. I'm sure he's alright though ^_^ I remember having a conversation with him on how he wouldn't visit KHV for like a year or something, I was worried about you to, but here you are ^_^
    Nov 17, 2012
  19. NightofNights
    Ya. here I am. though for how long Idk..
    Nov 17, 2012
  20. Technic☆Kitty
    Aww, don't say that i'll freak out and break s**t . . . well . . . I'll freak out anyway lol my computer straight crashed a minute ago, I was like nooooo!
    Nov 17, 2012
  21. NightofNights
    aw shites! XD lol ya but it's true.. I don't wanna believe it either but it's true.
    Nov 17, 2012
  22. Technic☆Kitty
    -_- So like how long are we talking about you being gone for this time, just a rough estimate . . .
    Nov 17, 2012
  23. NightofNights
    a couple of months or so. I'll more or likely come back for like christmas. and try to come on whenever I can.
    Nov 17, 2012
  24. Technic☆Kitty
    That's not that bad . . . that's only a month I think. And as long as you try ^_^ We'll all be waiting here for you lol
    Nov 17, 2012
  25. NightofNights
    It's good to know that I'll always have people here. :)
    Nov 17, 2012
  26. Technic☆Kitty
    ^_^ Believe it . . . lol Narut- *shot*
    Nov 17, 2012
  27. NightofNights
    Sasuke quite sniping people who talk about your Naru! XD *dodges the bullet* lol
    Nov 17, 2012
  28. Technic☆Kitty
    I figured it would be Hinata doing the snip *shot* lol
    Nov 17, 2012
  29. NightofNights
    Nope~ I'm pro SasNaru~
    Nov 17, 2012
  30. Technic☆Kitty
    Well, that's all good. To each there own ^_^ I always pegged Naruto and Sasuke as just friends, except for that little mishap in the beginning but that was because of the way Naruto was crouched on the desk . . . I was like wtf? lol I wouldn't mind saying i'm a fan of SakuHina though, if NaruHina didn't work out ;p
    Nov 17, 2012
  31. NightofNights
    Meh. I like KibaHina. for some reason I believe they just click better then stupid sasuke and naru.
    Nov 17, 2012
  32. Technic☆Kitty
    Sorry for replying so late -_- I had to pick my mom up from bingo. Anyway, I don't care for that pairing. Other people have said that too but . . . I like shikamaru and tamara or whatever that blonde head chick from the sand tribes name is lol my memory sucks 0_0
    Nov 17, 2012
  33. NightofNights
    Tamari Ya I like that pairing too.I also like InoCho. sadly Shino doesn't get a girl/or guy ^^'
    and ya np. I understand bingo XD did you tell her that a friend of yours was playing it too XD
    Nov 17, 2012
  34. Technic☆Kitty
    Shino . . . which one was that? Was that the bug guy? Everyone forgets the bug guy lol Naruto moment. Noo! You're playing again? lol I can't do the bingo she plays, it's just straight up difficul, like 12 cards, and a bunch of different ways to bingo. I'm used to a straight line bingo -_-
    Nov 17, 2012
  35. NightofNights
    ya bug guy XD sadly he'll have no one ^^"

    and ya. ussualy I'd have 3 cards a round but grandma and auntie split it so that we'd all have 2 each. it's simpler that way. and I can handle any bingo~
    Nov 17, 2012
  36. Technic☆Kitty
    Cool. Also, I might have to chill a while on the texting thing. I'm looking it up currently and am getting different answers but there might be charges. I wouldn't want it to be charging you as well.
    Nov 17, 2012
  37. NightofNights
    ya. I was thinking that too.
    Nov 17, 2012
  38. Technic☆Kitty
    I wasn't even thinking about it before, I just thought it wouldn't matter. Honestly I probably would've texted mars if I knew there number lol
    Nov 17, 2012
  39. NightofNights
    lol I can see you doin that
    but meh. At least we have eachother numbers. that way incase there are any important events that we'll be makin we can remind eachother.
    Nov 17, 2012
  40. Technic☆Kitty
    Yea, twenty cents every so often isn't bad. By my calculations, right now I've both sent and recieved a total of 13 messages from you, so twenty . . . let's say 25 cents times 13 is . . . 3.25 cents. That's not bad . . . i'll just have to get some cash to cover it. But i'm not sure what the exact charge would be -_-
    Nov 17, 2012
  41. NightofNights
    True. idk what the charges on my side would be, but I'm sure a few messages won't be too bad.
    Nov 17, 2012
  42. Technic☆Kitty
    I wonder if I texted you through email, would it charge you . . . but that would have to wait till you get verizon (cause that's the only service provider I know how to text through email) I could use my ipod but again, the charges I wouldn't be sure of. Also, like I told Nas, my phone will be getting shut off soon anyway. -_-
    Nov 17, 2012
  43. NightofNights
    no I'd get charged internet charges. *i tried and grandma flipped at me ^^" but then again she flips at everything I do that's not right.. or is different >.< like being on the laptop for long periods of time and reading odd books..

    and that sucks that your phone will be getting shut off soon >.<
    Nov 17, 2012
  44. Technic☆Kitty
    It's meh, I got your number and nas' number, so if I get a new contract (my own) i'll still have them. I'll start college next year, get a job and hopefully be able to afford the international plan, so i can text you free of charge. Of course i'll make friends in russia that way the plan gets used a lot lol I'll have a friend from every continent ^_^ also, odd book?
    Nov 17, 2012
  45. NightofNights
    ya.. odd books like my current book I'm reading, Doctors from Hell. it's about WW2 and what the doctors did. also it's about their trials and ya..
    and srry for leaving for so long. it' took that long for the stupid front desk people to fix it -_- stupid asses. I coulda fixed it faster!!
    Nov 18, 2012
  46. Technic☆Kitty
    Fixed what?? also, sorry for the late reply, I was catching up on Burn Notice love that show ^_^
    Nov 18, 2012
  47. NightofNights
    ah. the internet was down at the hotel >.<
    Nov 18, 2012
  48. Technic☆Kitty
    yea, that's what I was thinking. Just a confirmation . . . I know . . . I'm a dork like that ^.^
    Nov 18, 2012
  49. NightofNights
    lol ya you kinda are XD but that's how you are~ and we all prefer you taht way^^
    Nov 18, 2012
  50. NightofNights
    that.. f*ck I can't spell for my life XD
    Nov 18, 2012
  51. Technic☆Kitty
    Like I said, I can understand what you mean most of the time, no worries ^_^ I won't call people out on it unless it confuses me. In this case I would've been like ???? wat? or something like that lol Also, don't feel bad. If it weren't for me being a computer nerd, my spelling would suck on here. Both google chrome and my great typing help me out a lot ^_^
    Nov 18, 2012