Yeah KH-vids is my first forum too. I got excited and stuff. It gets more fun though when you get friends. Speaking of which, what do you like doing?
well obviously Kh just started playing bbs on the pc other than that... coldplay... soccer...dancing... and learning new things etc
Agreed PS2 was the best console. Re: CoM I hated the card system at first but after a while i liked it and had fun. Try 358/2 Days it's kinda fun especially if you love the Organization or you have friends to play it with.
I have all the consoles except for the 3DS, and no I played bbs on a psp not a ps vita so I don't know. Sorry :P
By the way any reason you haven't changed your profile pic yet? And you do know you can get a signature here right?
just go to the top of the screen put the pointer over your username and click on the signature part when the the thing appears
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