Comments on Profile Post by burnitup

  1. Pinekaboo
    Of course I did. I was KHV's main source of info for ME3 dlc before that thread died.
    Oct 9, 2012
  2. burnitup
    We have an ME3 DLC thread? Huh.
    Anyway, what are your thoughts on it?
    Oct 9, 2012
  3. Pinekaboo
    We had a ME3 thread in general. I provided it with info on most of the DLCs.
    I've not tried it yet, but I'm very much looking forward to the ME2 enemies returning, especially Collectors since they just sort of vanished from the story before.
    Oct 9, 2012
  4. burnitup
    Yep, I was a little disappointed that there were no Collectors in ME3 but this DLC makes me a little happy. Plus new enemy types for the Geth and Cerberus.
    Oct 9, 2012
  5. Pinekaboo
    I knew about Cerberus getting a couple of new units, but what are the Geth units?
    Oct 9, 2012
  6. burnitup
    From reading the discription on the Xbox live, Geth Bomber is the only one I know of. Maybe more but I have yet to download it. I'll do so later.
    Oct 9, 2012
  7. Pinekaboo
    Ah, I see. But the Collectors are definitely the most interesting and major addition.
    Oct 9, 2012
  8. burnitup
    Oh hell yeah. I can't wait to see how they work. I'm very interesting in seeing the new kinds of Collector units there are.
    Oct 9, 2012
  9. Pinekaboo
    Well there's just one new unit; the Collector Commander. the rest are returning ME2's.
    Oct 9, 2012
  10. burnitup
    Ah. I see. Either way still pretty cool. Though it is kind of a shame that the Collectors are only appearing as enemies in the multiplayer. :\
    Oct 9, 2012
  11. burnitup
    So DT, if I remember correctly the Reapers are working with Lordgenome, right?
    Oct 9, 2012
  12. Pinekaboo
    Sort of. Why do you ask?
    Oct 9, 2012
  13. burnitup
    I had kinda forgot. My memory is all over the place some times. ^^;
    Oct 9, 2012