Comments on Profile Post by Shy

  1. Bushy
    Um... yeah. Hello there. lol
    Uh... Well, I'm going into teaching myself. If I can be of any help at all. I'll try anyway. XD
    Sep 11, 2012
  2. Shy
    Oh rightt, cool. I'm just considering different career options and teaching seems to stand out a bit. However i would prefere to work in a behavioural centre rather than mainstream school. :)
    Sep 12, 2012
  3. Bushy
    Ah... I only really know about the school path. :/
    And even then, I'm just sorta going into it myself. It's not like I've actually done it yet.
    Sep 12, 2012
  4. Shy
    Ah right i seeee, well i hope it goes well and i wish you luck c: I not sure what to do, teaching, police, film editor .. theres quite a few ideas ive had.
    Sep 12, 2012
  5. Bushy
    Hmm... well the best thing to do would be to narrow them down, and that'd likely be by calling places up and seeing what info they can give you. See if you can get someone to talk to you etc.
    That's likely the best advice I can give you for now.
    But I wish you luck too. :)
    Sep 12, 2012