Comments on Profile Post by Misty

  1. Jⱥy
    yeh... I get these weird Final Fantasy character obsessions from time to time xD
    Aug 25, 2012
  2. Misty
    Balthier is an easy character to be obsessed with, lol.
    Aug 25, 2012
  3. Jⱥy
    I know right :P

    I decided to play through FF12 again and right now I'm hooked!
    Aug 25, 2012
  4. Misty
    To be honest I never finished it. I was super into it for a while and I got up to that big... water castle thing with roughly 4000 floors and gave up, haha. I had like 120hrs clocked in that game. ._.
    Aug 25, 2012
  5. Jⱥy
    I never finished it myself the first time I played through it. I came back to it after like a year, once I randomly found my PS2 memory card under my bed.

    Oh the shame :P
    Aug 25, 2012