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Dec 12, 2023
Jan 22, 2011
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May 27
The Matinée


Some kind of mercenary, from The Matinée

Onward we ride! KHV is back and kicking. Aug 3, 2021

Makaze was last seen:
Dec 12, 2023
    1. Beau
      still rocking that 100²
      1. Makaze
        Of course. How could I be any different?
        Jun 2, 2014
    2. Te Deum
      Te Deum
      I really hope that chanting Kallisti - even in my sleep - was what brought you back.

      I'm glad to see you back!
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Te Deum
        Te Deum
        We had User Awards for the highest score, so it got somewhere.

        Boy, it was amazing. I miss vB. I even miss Voxli, holy ****.
        Jun 3, 2014
      3. Makaze
        Voxli was /amazing/. Everyone misses Voxli.

        RIP, voice conversations.
        Jun 3, 2014
      4. Te Deum
        Te Deum
        Like I know we have the official KHV Skype chat, but there's no way I'd use that on my own free time, unless there's a good discussion going on. I felt more prompted to go on Voxli and check up on everyone; I just don't feel that on Skype.

        RIP, instantly streaming YouTube videos.
        Jun 4, 2014
    3. Amaury
      There's obviously a reason you hide your gender and age. :) However, if you don't mind me asking out of curiosity, how old are you? I also assume you're a male?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Makaze
        It's about more than arguments.

        People can't help their own expectations. People interpret posts differently based on what they expect from the person. For example, if I went around being completely nice and used smileys, people would flip out. You might never use sex and age in an argument, but that doesn't mean they would not affect how you interpret what I say.
        Jun 2, 2014
      3. Amaury
        You know, this would make for a good discussion.

        Would it bother you if I used your reply above as an example? If it does, then I'll just use a general example.
        Jun 2, 2014
      4. Makaze
        No. Go ahead.

        I might not post, but it will be interesting to read.
        Jun 2, 2014
    4. Cherry Berry
      Cherry Berry
      Yooo :3
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Makaze

        Do you mind if I put you on the spot?
        Jun 7, 2014
      3. Cherry Berry
        Cherry Berry
        Sure, what for? :o
        Jun 7, 2014
      4. Makaze
        Did you vote to bring me back or not?
        Jun 7, 2014
    5. Makaze
      I'm giddy with all of the trouble I'm in, oh, god.
      1. Makaze
        ~ The World/Inferno Friendship Society
        Jun 1, 2014
    6. LARiA
      I'm sure PaW will be *very pleased* to note your return. Uhm, not.... not really. It was a swell sentiment though.
      1. Makaze

        He pointedly ignored my returning thread, so I thought it needed to happen.

        Jun 1, 2014
    7. nasirrich
      Hey you should know this man that's how the sinful world works. You just gotta be part of the solution to fix this problem.

      Not to be a stalker, but people on your wall lack the ability to do so. I'm sorry you have to put up with such babies good someone. The kids I'd have to watch for the camp act more like civilized people than the idiots that are bothering you. That sh** pisses me off a lot. Such cowards I tell ya the lowest of the low. Sorry you have to go through with this.
    8. nasirrich
      See should is the word not have as in mandatory to do so making them fake. I show respect for the fact that you can create actual bonds, friendships, marriages, relationships ect that way. Which gets back to me saying she's fake. I have nothing against her at all, but to me what she's doing is being fake. It could be she's fed up with all the crying about you as I said before. Her staff duties could be pissing her off cause the drama, bs, and work she has to deal with all the time.

      Huh so now you say ok thanks =.= As I said before if its too personal don't tell. I'm not like other people if you think I can gain something from knowing who you like, or any of that stuff.
    9. nasirrich
      That's not always true if you think about it. She should show respect to members, but isn't inclined to be nice. Like at a job you got t show respect to customers, but don't have to. If you wanna keep that job then yes be nice. Just hoping you see it in a different light than you do now. She might be fed up with all the complaints on you so her tolerance level for you might have gone down the drain. So what you see is what you get I guess.

      No Makaze don't tell me you're sure you will be fine I want a confident answer. Not just a bs'd typed one either. I need you to be sure you will be fine because if a a close friend to me is not doing so well. I feel its my duty to reassure them they have people out there that's here to take care of them ok ^-^
    10. nasirrich
      She stopped pretending to be nice to you? So she's fake then? Wow I'm actually not surprised by that -.-

      Awww man you sure you gonna be ok? I don't want you to be down in the dumps dear kind someone.

      If its too personal I understand you don't have to share with me.
    11. Trigger
      What are and were your impressions of me?

      If you could choose how to die, how would you?

      If you could choose how to live, how would you?

      I thought you were really interesting and unlike anyone I've met on the forum. I really wanted to get to know you, so I started watching DRRR!! as a means of having something to talk about with you. I still think you're interesting and unique, but now I also see you have a much warmer, lax side to you.

      In space.

      Constantly traveling.

      Because I am incredibly fascinated by astronomy and space. Because I want to see all the world has to offer and indulge in other cultures.
    12. C
      I did answer. You're interesting.

      However, after yesterday I have managed to crack the code. And since you didn't help me, the information is mine to do with as I please.
    13. nasirrich
      Awww man well again maybe if people weren't such babies and just grew up like the way they type. You shouldn't be getting in so much trouble. Look at the way members type as if they are speaking as if they have a Doctorate in language. It can become very troublesome for the fact that their ignorance and inability to see how wrong they are using these 100 dollar words is crazy.

      But are you ok though is what I really wan to know.
    14. Misty
      Glad to be of service.
    15. Misty
      I wouldn't expect one, nope. We don't tend to go into security issues with members.
    16. C
      Why wouldn't I? You're the most interesting guy at the dance.
    17. C
      I just want to see what makes you tick, as I'm close to figuring it out but I just need to know a couple of things.
    18. C
      But you'll never know for sure unless you actually answer :c and if you consider anything I've ever said to you to be trolling, then you are giving me far too much credit.
    19. C
      Why don't you ever reply to my VMs, Akaz? :c
      Is it because I'm not a loli?
    20. nasirrich
      Hey Makaze staying out of trouble or is it still finding its way to you?
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    May 27
    The Matinée
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