Last Activity:
Jul 21, 2014
Jul 7, 2009
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1:06 PM
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Mar 16, 1994 (Age: 30)


King's Apprentice, Male, 30, from Limbo

Looks like I'm contributing nothing to society again! Nov 4, 2012

Jⱥy was last seen:
Jul 21, 2014
    1. SmashFan127
    2. Dinny
    3. Llave
      Yeah dude by all means.

      My PSN username: Llaverion

      Just send me a message, we may play pretty soon.
      1. Jⱥy
        I'll send you a request.

        Ima try and get on as soon as possible, just finishing of some coursework at the moment T.T
        Jan 11, 2013
      2. Llave
        Yah dude take your time. You're 5 hours ahead of us so we got all day really lol.
        Jan 11, 2013
    4. Beucefilous
    5. TheOnlyChuJelly
      Hey! :). I just started a Kingdom Hearts LP on my channel and I was wondering if you could check it out. I won't force you to, but if you do and like what you see by all means subscribe. Again I won't force you to do anything. Just thought you'd like a channel with some Kingdom Hearts :)

    6. Heart ❤
      Heart ❤
      Jayyyyyyyy Did you like your present? I'm sorry that the graphics were terrible :c
      1. Jⱥy
        Don't be sorry, I love my present. If you took time out of your day to make me something then I am more than happy :)
        Dec 27, 2012
      2. Heart ❤
        Heart ❤
        Yay! I am very happy that you liked it! I hope that the playlist was okay. I tried to look for for video quilty then the music itself so I hope it was okay
        Dec 27, 2012
    7. Labrys
      Ohhh are gonna get the new Devil May cry game?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Jⱥy
        haha ;)
        and yeh I will be getting the new DMC. I have no problem with them taking a new approach to the game unlike alot of people.
        Dec 21, 2012
      3. Labrys
        I know right? There is more dislikes than likes on the trailer in YouTube.
        Dec 21, 2012
      4. Labrys
        Although In my opinion I think a reboot is a bit unnecessary but there was alot of potholes in devil may cry 4
        Dec 21, 2012
    8. Jⱥy
      Looks like I'm contributing nothing to society again!
    9. Dinny
      Hey Jay! c:
      I just wanted to say hi

      1. View previous comments...
      2. Dinny
        Indeed! Hehe, I've just been doing school (hence, not a problem at all. I haven't been online as much either : P)

        How have you been doing? Well, I hope! n _ n
        Oct 17, 2012
      3. Jⱥy
        Life is grand!
        I'm applying for universities atm, I went to go see Ed Sheeran yesterday and I got a new job though i do miss my old job selling flowers :o
        Oct 17, 2012
      4. Dinny
        Oh my glob, that's amazing! I want to apply to universities already hahaha. And Ed Sheeran? Coolio! I've been meaning to give him a listen, my friend Kei is obsessed haha I'm sure he's super cool. Congrats on the new job! You'll do great! I miss your old job too - it was so adorable omg c:
        Oct 18, 2012
    10. Jⱥy
      I just exist.
    11. Jⱥy
      "If you can't find something to live for, you best find something to die for!"
    12. Jⱥy
      Boom Boom Boom de Boom Boom Boom
    13. Misty
      your balthier set *u*
      1. Jⱥy likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Jⱥy
        I know right :P

        I decided to play through FF12 again and right now I'm hooked!
        Aug 25, 2012
      4. Misty
        To be honest I never finished it. I was super into it for a while and I got up to that big... water castle thing with roughly 4000 floors and gave up, haha. I had like 120hrs clocked in that game. ._.
        Aug 25, 2012
      5. Jⱥy
        I never finished it myself the first time I played through it. I came back to it after like a year, once I randomly found my PS2 memory card under my bed.

        Oh the shame :P
        Aug 25, 2012
    14. Jⱥy
      I love you ._.
    15. Jⱥy
      I stopped believing in God because I found out it was just 'Dog' backwards...
    16. Dinny
      indeed ; ;

      Aw dang, that sounds reaaaaaal nice xD
      We've been dancing so much in musical theatre. It's crazy.
    17. ArosFarron
      Thank you. I shall use it.
    18. ArosFarron
      Thank you. I shall check it out
    19. Dinny
      [ It's fine, I'm very busy myself c: ]

      Ho ho ho nooooo, I cried a lot during the first few nights because I missed my mum and my brother so much xD
      But skype helps a ton with the whole homesickness. I skype with them almost every day c: I'd like to skype with them daily but there's just so much work to do in a summer academic program... who knew gahh lol
    20. Dinny
      Oh? That's so cool! I've made friends from England - it sounds cooler every time xD

      Hm, technically by myself...? x)
      'Cause I'm part of an academic program so I've made friends here but I came here alone (except I have relatives here too, but they're two hours away from the city). If that makes sense lol