Jun 6, 2008
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Oct 7, 1995 (Age: 29)


The Future, Enby, 29


Do what you can, the best you can Aug 27, 2022

    1. Pinekaboo
      Before you say it; yes, I know I am the main supply of lolis in this RP. I'm far worse than Bushy, much to the irony.

      Anyway, blarg.
    2. Hiro ✩
      Hiro ✩
      Your characters just got glomped by the Amys
    3. Sora's Apprentice
      Sora's Apprentice
      Never mind. I posted in it
    4. Pinekaboo
      Ah, alrighty. I can actually give you a preview of her, at least what she looks like. Here.
      Speaking of, you missed Dante's part. Axel called Dante 'Spardason' to the desk.
    5. Pinekaboo
      One: She'll be revealed shortly, and she was pointing at Rienzel's character, King Arl or whatever.
      Two: Because while searching for a pic of Vergil I found the spanish wiki, and since Vergil is actually a spanish name, I went with it for the lulz. Nobody got the joke though.
    6. Pinekaboo
      Right up until the end anyway.

      Holly balls I loved your post. Knuckles dumping himself out of a sack, that's a glorious way to say it.
    7. Sora's Apprentice
      Sora's Apprentice
      KK. can they gamble?
    8. Sora's Apprentice
      Sora's Apprentice
      Hye bro, can u catch me up on Crossover cove?
    9. starseeker3
      yeah, but i will keep updates and direct people to the deadpool siciaty, when it kicks up again i will rejoin happly
    10. starseeker3
      no prob
      i hope\ you dont mind, but im gonna go solo from the deadpool society, I already made my regeneration suit so I'm ready to go. I am only leaveing because i need a job, and i think if i advertise solo i might get a few more jobs
    11. starseeker3
      how come it took 4 hellos for you to respond?
    12. Pinekaboo
      Probably is. Like I said, the fact that they're twins makes it pretty likely.
      I can't believe how many teams we ended up with in the tournament though.
    13. starseeker3
    14. Sora's Apprentice
      Sora's Apprentice
      well wenevr u get a chance i recomend Eddie Izzard: Circles on netflix
    15. Sora's Apprentice
      Sora's Apprentice
      Lol. do u hav 3ds with u?
    16. Sora's Apprentice
      Sora's Apprentice
      Lol. yea. my dog slept on the end of the bed last night and tried to eat it for me. its to bad he has 2nd to no depth perception xD Lol. and sad thing was, it was right in the middle of the Eddie Izzard special!
    17. Sora's Apprentice
      Sora's Apprentice
      i got like 4bhrs of sleep in me. i was on netflix on my 3ds last night watchin stand up comedy. then a f*cking fly got in the room and god forbid i had a small screen glowing, it buged the damn heck out of me until i turned off my 3ds. (srry for excessive language, i seem to curse more when im exhausted)
    18. Sora's Apprentice
      Sora's Apprentice
      its saturday, wtf am i doin up so f*ckin early. Lol. Hey bro
    19. Pinekaboo
      Alright, that's fine.
      I wouldn't call it a coincidence, considering they're identical twins. But no, it doesn't mean anything, I just thought it looked good.
    20. Pinekaboo
      Before you get confused; all of the teams that we discussed before have been pre-registered into the tournament, meaning that Team Blue Tarzan etc are already signed up despite (presumably) only just getting there.
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  • About

    Oct 7, 1995 (Age: 29)
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