Oct 16, 2006
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in your hearts
Sammich maker


Sleepy Panda Assassin, from in your hearts


Alex is still a derp. Sep 24, 2016

    1. Meilin Lee
      Meilin Lee
    2. Peace and War
      Peace and War
      God you're up late.
      Well if he ever gets that bad, tell me and I'll talk to him. I'll do the good cop, bad cop thing, I'll be all nic sayin to ease up, and if he don't listen... PERMA BAN that sucker!
    3. Peace and War
      Peace and War
      Then I've been ready and training for this job all my life!
    4. Peace and War
      Peace and War
      It's probably just a MASSIVE hazing!

      But thanks Sabby for being just an great person to talk to and be with! :)
      I love how the you guys thought I was really harsh and serious in my interview, but that was me just trying to act like I can take action when needed and not be an armchair mod. And so what if I had read the rules over before my interview, got me the job, right? :b
      I took it really like I real job interview because Misty said it'd be formal, so I did my prep work and went in all professional like. Cause I'm all chilled when it's not formal, no worries there! XD
    5. Noroz
      You evildoer...
    6. Peace and War
      Peace and War
      Sabby, it's 1:30 in the morning...

      Can it not wait I'll tomorrow?
    7. Peace and War
      Peace and War
      Have to get the fear into him no?
      And YAY I am on staff with nice people. God the Staff section is a gold mine for porn, btw! <3
    8. Noroz
      sabby has personally given me powers to ban you when i want. So be warned, mwahahaha!!!

    9. Krowley
      Thank you ,
    10. Meilin Lee
      Meilin Lee
      upcoming heartless, nobody, and unversed plushies coming soon:

      (sketches by Nomura)
    11. Cia
      xD Haha yup basically. My major is Digital Medi with a focus of Web Design, so this semester I'm taking classes like Intro to Digital Media and The History of Video Games as an elective lol. And omg yay! I did my first two years at a local State College and got my A.A. and then transferred to a uni. :) Glad to hear you're doing well
    12. Cia
      :D haha nice, xD I definitely miss everyone and this place, but everything's great! Life's been busy; i moved, i'm a junior in college, about to turn 21 in a few months xD, I just started my bachelors @_@. I could go on forever haha xD How's everything over there with you! :D
    13. Cia
      Haha :) living life I guess xD What's up!! :D
    14. Krowley
    15. Amaury
      Not too bad. :3
    16. Mysty
      It was okay. Thanks for asking :)
    17. Amaury
      How... are... you? :3
    18. Amaury
    19. Mysty
      I am doing the same hing. waiting for my class as well. Final is in an hour.
    20. Beucefilous
      Thanks :)
      Oh and i'm sorry, i forgot to put this in my last VM lol. Could you add onto the end
      "The weapons froze in midair, both aiming toward Sephiroth. Bursts of light and dark energy shot out from the respective hero's keyblade, exploding as the collided with each other.
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    in your hearts
    Sammich maker
    Leader Ninja Assassin of the Alpha Wolf Squadron First Class


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