Kaidron Blaze
Last Activity:
Apr 20, 2018
Jun 22, 2009
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May 7, 1993 (Age: 31)
The Gale Valleys, before the darkness attacks...
DON'T HAVE ONE yet....

Kaidron Blaze

Kingdom Keeper, Male, 31, from The Gale Valleys, before the darkness attacks...

Kaidron Blaze was last seen:
Apr 20, 2018
    1. Glen
      Pretty soon, I might be making my return to here. Maybe. Got some stuff I have to sort out first, but if I do come back I'll hopefully be posting in your RP
      1. Kaidron Blaze
        Kaidron Blaze
        That would be awsome mister
        Feb 18, 2016
    2. Magick
      So is your RP done for? I've noticed you haven't been posting and since it's only been me and Aelin really doing it, I'd rather know sooner then later if you just intend to give up on it.
      1. Kaidron Blaze
        Kaidron Blaze
        What do you mean? I've posted quite a few times I just don't wanna post myself over and over in quick succession, give people a chance to post themselves. But the rp is indeed not as active as I thought it was going to be when I posted it
        Feb 17, 2016
      2. Magick
        The last time you posted was Feb. 5, which I guess isn't so far away when you think about it, but I'm happy to keep posting in it as long as it's not for nothing. Given that I think it's now only me and CrownMoksha and Aelin, and CM only posts on weekends, it'll probably be a slower one.
        Feb 17, 2016
      3. Kaidron Blaze
        Kaidron Blaze
        I do intend to keep it going but I keep back so I can read what everyone else posts so I can see if there is way to bring the stories together
        Feb 17, 2016
    3. Charonus Rex
      Charonus Rex
      Been way too long man
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Charonus Rex
        Charonus Rex
        Yes it is, it's a backstory for my online sona that starts off quite dark
        Jun 4, 2016
      3. Charonus Rex
        Charonus Rex
        Yes it is, it's a backstory for my online sona that starts off quite dark
        Jun 4, 2016
      4. Kaidron Blaze
        Kaidron Blaze
        That sounds really cool ^.=.^
        Jun 4, 2016
    4. Glen
      Docyx! Holy crap man, I haven't seen you on here in literally years! How have you been? What've you been up to?

      Btw, this is the one formerly known as Dr_Wigglz, RPer of Gexln
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Glen
        Well you could always use tinypic or imgur to upload them there if you have a way of saving them on your computer. Alternatively you could send them through skype if you have that.

        So think you'll get back into rping?
        Nov 4, 2015
      3. Kaidron Blaze
        Kaidron Blaze
        I never stopped RPing, I even now have a full origin story for my character and keyblade ^.=.^ and I uploaded my skype link on here so send me a message and I'll bombard you with artwork
        Nov 4, 2015
      4. Glen
        A full origin story? Very nice, I've got quite a lot more of Gexln's backstory written out, and I'm actually working on a RPG of sorts to actually play through it
        Nov 4, 2015
    5. nasirrich
      Yo yo how have you been my very good sir. I wanna catch up, but we talk on FB slowly and surely will keep on talking like the old days ^^
    6. Jayn
      Hello again, fellow role player!
      Just a friendly reminder here! Please try to nominate and vote for the KHV Awards this year!

      The role play section of the awards has always been pretty dead, so please try to support us! Nominate your fellow role players, any fun role plays you're involved in (or were at some point during the year), etc. Even if you've already sent in your RP nominations, if there's anything you left blank, try to fill it! There has to be something or someone worthy of nominating from your time role playing this year, hopefully?

      You may recall me doing this last year (or not, if you're new). We actually got more nominations than usual, but let's try to kick it up a knotch and support our community here on KH-Vids. If you have any questions, please let me know and I will do my absolute best to help you out. It doesn't matter how often you RP, either.

      The nominations thread is here and you can PM your nominations to me.

      Please try to let other role players know as well.
      Good luck and thank you! ♥
    7. nasirrich
      Yesssss freaking awesome!!!!!
    8. nasirrich
      Thank you very much really thx a bunchies ^=^
    9. nasirrich
      I wanna go to a con this is some ol bull stuff mane.
      Please take your time though ok
      Don't rush yourself over lil ol me.
    10. nasirrich
      I'm lost too I thought you had it up on a link. So I told ya I never saw it if you did.
    11. nasirrich
      I didn't find anything you just said you'll link me to where it's put. I just said that action you said you were gonna do is on that ninja status.
    12. nasirrich
      Errr ok sounds like some next ninja type ish the way you said that.
    13. nasirrich
      Uhh wow I don't even know. Here, there anywhere I guess
    14. nasirrich
      I want that one girl to talk to me again. That shooting me down sh** wasn't cool and its been a while I know just don't let your hurt push me away from you. I can be that healing light you have always been for me.

      Ok well I Black and Red Raptor with a Katana on its back and some has some cwazy kicks, Anime shirt, and b-ball shorts. Yea like that Commander Docyx if you don't mind pwease DX
    15. nasirrich
      Uhhh like the way the body looks does it matter or do you actual take that animal and change have kick ass clothes on it and what not?
    16. nasirrich
      Ok so about now are there shapes you wants to me say, like a square, circle, any of that?
    17. nasirrich
      What the hell your on... YES!!!!!!!
    18. nasirrich
      XP Just kiddin ya... SIKE HIKE!!!

      Ok with all seriousness I gotcha ok.
    19. nasirrich
      Yea you do all the thinking for me... YESSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!
      Sounds like a plan!!!
      BLUE 18 BLUE 18!!!
      OMEGA L OMEGA L!!!!
    20. nasirrich
      Ok cool I gotcha ^=^
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  • About

    May 7, 1993 (Age: 31)
    The Gale Valleys, before the darkness attacks...
    DON'T HAVE ONE yet....
    Past Usernames:
    Docyx no15
    Hi ^.=.^
    My name is Kaidron Blaze long time kingdom hearts fan and real life Shaman. I am currently working of a portfolio to be an art student (mature student of course) in the near future and thus I have a flare for art work.
    I am also a furry which is the direction my art work normally heads, that and of course the awesomeness of Kingdom Hearts.
    I may also be starting my roleplay threads like I did in the past so look out for them.

