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Feb 27, 2016
Jan 5, 2012
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November 13
somewhere out there....
Visual Effects/Animation (College Student)


Gummi Ship Junkie, Female, from somewhere out there....

If your heart is in your dream, no request is too extreme... Aug 22, 2012

strfruit was last seen:
Feb 27, 2016
    1. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      Yeah, that was the first time I ever really paid attention to Johnny Depp too. It was in high school and my teacher was having us watch some of his movies in our theater class. It was interesting watching the variety of characters that he's played throughout the years. I have a few favorite actors, but I'm more of someone who follows directors. David Fincher is one of my favorite directors because of The Social Network. When I heard he was on The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, I knew that I had to see it. It's a really good film, although very different from The Social Network. I'm also a big fan of Christopher Nolan and how intricate his plots can be. James Wan is also very good, when he has an original idea and not doing Saw sequels. I mean, Insidious was absolutely amazing.
    2. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      Exactly. You can tell that Depp really gets into a role. Like with 21 Jump Street; he has a makes a small cameo in the film, and it could have been something he could have just not really tried with, but his part was hilarious. Even though it was small, he had some of the best lines in the entire film. XD
    3. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      Yeah, it's still a good film. And I can see why people make the confusion. I mean, you can put any name of the director on there you want, it LOOKS like what people think a Tim Burton film looks like. Burton seems to work good with Gothic stuff, along with humor. Like, that new one coming out, Dark Shadows. When I first saw that trailer, I was thinking that it's another film that looks stupid. Then, I figured that it was Burton and Depp that are working together on it, so I stayed optimistic. The two of them usually do really well together. Depp is one of those actors who doesn't half-ass a role, no matter what.
    4. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      I've heard that Nightmare Before Christmas isn't actually his though. He had some part in it, but there's someone else who directed it, but Burton gets all the credit for it. It's still very good. I had just recently re-watched Edward Sissorhands, after not watching for a very long time. I still get wrapped up into the story. Yeah, that movie didn't work out too well. Even not comparing to the original film (which I don't really care for), it's still kind of not that good. It's not really a property that works with Tim Burton's mind. Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter on the other hand fits him perfectly. XD It may turn out to be one of those action films that's not too good, but I'm still looking forward to it. I need to read the book though.
    5. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      Yeah, or the disc become completely over used and it's just too scratched.

      Yeah, I was able to catch it on TV a while back, thinking that it was the Tim Burton one. I was lucky to find a copy at Barns and Noble. They have it on Youtube though. And yeah, Tim Burton is a really creative mind. I've enjoyed most of the movies I've seen him done (I wasn't a fan of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory). He's best when he does stuff no one really expects, like Edward Sissorhands.
    6. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      Yeah; it was an amazing time. When I'm hooked on a movie, I will always just watch it over and over again.

      Yeah; the first time I saw Sweeney Todd, it was the Broadway show recording from 1980 or something like that (it was a touring group, but had Angela Lansberry, from the original show). It got me hooked on the show! The Tim Burton film is also very good; it's just a different telling of the story. It took out a bunch of the campy feeling that some of the songs have and is a bit too serious, but I still love it.
    7. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      Yeah, I went to go see the last two movies at midnight showings as well. It was all really fun, and it was fun seeing all the people dressed up. I also got to see Paranormal Activity 3 at an advanced screening, and it was free. I waited in line for hours, but we got a lot of free stuff, and the movie was really fun to see in such a huge crowd. The Last Exorcism is one of those films I can watch over and over again, and never get tired of it. I keep having the same experience going through no matter how many times I see it. I still jump when I see her bending her fingers back.

      yeah, it's kind of bad to say, but I'd probably end up like Andrew and get back at all the people who made my life hell. I like movies about revenge for some reason, like Sweeney Todd.
    8. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      Yeah, I pulled an all nighter once before. I was writing a Harry Potter essay for my English class (first semester in college too) and was working really hard on it. The night before I had to turn it in was the Deathly Hallows Part One premiere, so I went to go see the movie at midnight. I was so hyped up from the movie that I wasn't able to go to sleep. So, I got to finish the last bit of it, and I did really well. XD

      Mmhmm; Chronicle was one of those big surprises for me. I'm not one of those people who is over the whole "found footage" thing. I actually find it very interesting, that is, if they do it right. "Paranormal Activity 3", "The Last Exorcism", I loved all of those movies because it really made you feel like you were there. And the story telling in Chronicle was just amazing; it's kind of weird how close I could see myself in Andrew though. People are lucky that no strange meteor has never landed near me. XD
    9. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      Thanks. I know that I'll need it soon. At least I can spend my time recovering watching movies.

      Mmhmm; that's happened to me a lot. I'm usually expected something like "this is too cheesy" or "this doesn't make sense". When I get that good feedback though, I breath a sigh of relief, but at the same time, I have to think "did you read what I wrote down?" I've at least embraced the idea that I'll never know how other people will think of it if I don't complete it. With that, I've actually been able to complete some stuff that people like, which makes me happy.

      It's a good movie. The trailer lies though (but most do). I was expected some kind of mafia thing with De Niro, where he's like the drug lord over the medicine that makes Bradley Cooper smart. Instead, it's more on the political and financial side of things; it's still really good though. It slightly annoys me that trailers lie. With two movies that came out this year (Chronicle and 21 Jump Street) the trailers made it look like they would be terrible movies, but they're my two favorite movies of this year.
    10. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      Yeah, I haven't changed my major. it's really something for my parents, since they want me to get a job that has good health insurance. I'm going to be getting a heart transplant some time soon (I don't know when) and I'm going to be on meds for the rest of my life. I always keep telling them I'm going to major in something, but do something completely different with my life. It's just something to get my parents off of my back, and a good fall back.

      Mmhmm, I hear it a whole lot. I have to keep telling myself it's not as bad as I think it is. I went into class with my head hanging, because I thought it was just terrible. I came out, and my head was held high. XD

      Yeah, it's sad that it's true for me. I saw Limitless (I love that movie!) and the line where Bradly Cooper says something like "you see that guys who looks like crap, that's me, and I'm a writer," I busted out laughing.
    11. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      Yeah. I love animation too, but I'd really like to get behind the director's chair in something that's live action. Movies have always fascinated me, and I love looking into all the behind the scenes stuff. It's a bit weird to hear everyone compliment me so much about it; I usually don't think my stuff is too good, even though other people really love it. I guess that just goes with the saying that "you're your own worst critic." I'm glad everyone enjoyed it though. And everyone loved the scene I turned in for script writing too. Everyone just looked at me like "how are you this good" when I'm probably the smallest person there and don't look like I'm smart at all.

      I do look kind of like a writer though. Not really dressed up, really messy, all that stuff. XD
    12. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      My intended major is Education, mainly an English teacher because I love reading. I like writing too, like a lot. I've written a book, and am working on a short collection of short stories. I also really love movies, so I decided to at least try out script writing. I'm more interested in directing, but writing is also something that seems fun. My first scene that I turned in to my teacher, he said that he had to grade it on a higher scale than he usually does at this stage of the semester, so I was really happy.
    13. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody

      It was a bit difficult with some lines, but it was really fun, and I'm glad I did it. I'm currently in a script writing class, so I got to use what I learned in a real environment. I'm glad that everyone enjoyed it.
    14. Llave
      Indeed it is. I'll have to get it on KHV sometime xD
    15. Llave
      I'll try 8D

      Aye a wee bit. Nothing official or anything on my computer though lol.
    16. Llave
      Indeedio. I hope to one day actually get my work out there xD
    17. Llave
      Very true. Most certainly true indeed madam.

      However, I like more warm weather to be honest.
    18. Mike
      No, thank you! =)
    19. Llave
      It was slightly cold here. Not too bad though. Course, it did rain yesterday...
    20. Llave
      I'm willing to be a friend to anyone who's willing to be mine.

      Ah I was working outside today, mowing the lawn and such. But today was a good day. Doing quite well.
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  • About

    November 13
    somewhere out there....
    Visual Effects/Animation (College Student)



    "One day you will look into the mirror and see yourself as a person
    rather than just a reflection."


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