Last Activity:
Jan 12, 2022
Feb 6, 2007
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4:38 AM
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I want to hug you like big fuzzy Siberian bear!



kitty_mckechnie was last seen:
Jan 12, 2022
    1. Heart ❤
      Heart ❤
      Okay^^ Thanks Kitty <3
    2. Scruffy
      Hehe. How's you? Looking forward to the weekend? o:
    3. Heart ❤
      Heart ❤
      Thanks Kitty <3 I'll make the sheet today. ^^
    4. Scruffy
      I know dat. ^.^

      Naw, I just thought I would send you that as a way of saying hello. :3
    5. Bushy
      Right... let's see...

      Fine explained that the Noise were created by mankind a long time ago. She developed the power to control them thanks to a God that created the relics that made Symphogear possible in the first place. She wanted to prove to the God that she loved him, so yeah. That's why she went crazy and tried to kill everyone. It's also why they are still around even if she isn't. She wasn't the one who made or released them. They were always there. There is also the fact that she'll just reincarnate again in the future that could also mean they stay.

      And... Tsubasa and Chris came back because they had only just died, and Hibiki's power which you guessed is thanks to the fusion of Gungnir being infused into her heart was triggered into an almost overdrive state when she heard her school's song. That caused her relic to fully release itself without restrictions, and because Tsubasa and Chris were both close by, her relic called out to theirs and fully released theirs too. A fully released Relic means that anyone who uses their Swan Song won't be killed, because the Relic is able to contain the power of the song itself and therefore, their bodies won't be destroyed from being unable to contain it. Thanks to that prospect, they were revived with fully released relics. This also explains how all 3 of the symphogear users were alive at the end after having used their Unison Swan Song to destroy the moon fragment.
      Sadly, Kanade had died a few years ago and also wasn't in the immediate area. But it makes you think... if she could have been bought back. There would be two Gungnir users as Hibiki only had a piece of the Gungnir relic.

      Does that help? :P

      And I agree again. It was a highly received show so... if it was down to reviews alone on whether it got a new series or not. I'd say yes it would without a doubt. But sadly, the anime industry isn't as simple as that. They need to consider what shows are on at the time and many other things lol
    6. Scruffy
    7. Heart ❤
      Heart ❤
      Hey Fang,

      I'm kind of worried about the Mansion thingy... I worried i won't be able to keep up because of my school work and this really seems to be in dept... I really don't kow what to do... VM me when you can
    8. Bushy
      I concur with everything you said! XD
      But... I'm afraid I don't know if they will continue it. I mean, there is certainly potential for a second season since they left it open, and if they did one, I'd love it. But I'm unsure of what they'd do and whether they actually will. :/
    9. Llave
      Kitty, I have always been a wee curious. Did you make that Fang sig?
    10. Iskandar
      I could deal with that. You ever have a time when you speak on speaker phone and you get an echo? And actually, when I was speaking with a friend on skype, he and my voices were echoing. I could easily watching a stream and listen to double voices.
    11. Iskandar
      so how did you manage to have 2 other people on that livestream? Did you actually use skype?
    12. Iskandar
      are you still doing livestreams of OoT?
    13. Heart ❤
      Heart ❤
      It's okay ^^
    14. Heart ❤
      Heart ❤
      Umm I need to be made a memeber :X
    15. Bushy
      I'm so glad I found another Symphogear fan. :D
      I can't wait to hear what you think of the final episode. lol
    16. Peyton
      You wish, I'm just charming and you know it ~

      Also, that reasoning is false! You do not have hot feet, hobbit have hot feet, therefore you are not a hobbit, and that is correct. However, nowhere in that implication is it mentioned anything about hairy feet, alas my accusation still stands; you're a vile scot with ginger genes, therefore I bet your feet are covered in orange hair :3

      And yes, my face is very the top of my head!
    17. Peyton
      You did call me a tease, so it wasn't uncalled for :3

      We might have the same size, however since you're a scot and all I bet yours are covered in orange Jimmy hair! :3
    18. Peyton
      Said the girl with frozen man feet >:|
    19. Peyton
      Well I have to do something to cope with your vile personality o:
    20. Peyton
      Happy to provide that (; <3
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    Past Usernames:
    A wee bonnie lass fae doon the streets a Glesga, born n' raised to fight begga's, moochers n' neds.


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