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Dec 26, 2011
Nov 28, 2008
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April 2
Home Page:
Trolling Shizu-chan
That one ******bag who loves the huamn race.


Kingdom Keeper, from Trolling Shizu-chan

Zeonark was last seen:
Dec 26, 2011
    1. melissar7Rikufan
      oh cool and idk and I didn't know that
    2. melissar7Rikufan
      um Cloud is my fav ff character overall but I m a fan of basically all of them maybe not Arreith all that much but most of the characters I know about than ya
    3. Kites
      Lolz, I don't know how long it'll be until we even get brand new news of Kh3....I actually want to play as Riku for once.
    4. melissar7Rikufan
      ya I did say I was a ff fan!
      Actually cc is 1 that I haven't seen while I' ve seen parts like the sad ending and the opening
    5. Kites
      That's all he told me...I'm grabbing the truth serum! *talks to cousin* Spill the beans!!
    6. melissar7Rikufan
      yea maybe I' ve never played 6 though I do have ff7dc, 8, 9 and 10
      Oh cool ff7ac is a cool movie I also have seen the older movie for ff but the newer 1
      ff7ac is better at least I think it is and cool I have seen AC like 4 or 5 times all the way through 5 or 6 times total though
    7. Kites
      Lolz yes very true...but he holds so much POWAHH right now lolz.....he even know a little about...kh3...but he can't say that either...obviously :D
    8. melissar7Rikufan
      cool I' ve played a couple of the games I actually have 4 in my room right now lol and ya I' ve seen ffac I have the movie in my room for dvd
    9. Kites
      No problem:D Since he deals with story, he comes up with ideas...and we've got yours! Perfect! I'm still mad that he won't tell me any info on 358/2 days or BBS.
      Alright, making it more detailed is always good.
    10. melissar7Rikufan
      Thanks and ya I m a ff fan are u also a ff fan?
    11. melissar7Rikufan
      Hey thanks for the add on yt^^
    12. Kites
      I bet he would! Sure, I can show it to him when you finish:D Besides, I'm his favorite cousin!
    13. Kites
      Yup, he has final mix as well...he gets in contact with the Japanese SE.
    14. Kites
      Thank you<3 Perfect gift!
    15. ♥ Momo ♥
      ♥ Momo ♥
      Why do you post so fast ;_; *appears beside you* I took a break to see you, love.
    16. Kites
      Well, he works in the areas of animation and story concept...he know a lot of info but can't say a single word to anyone DX

      Lolz, idk how people ended up going to SE in my family...luck of the draw I guess...although, he did get copies of KH1-KH2 early. Not really early, maybe a few days earlier than everyone else XD
    17. melissar7Rikufan
      lol it is a little and k thanks
    18. melissar7Rikufan
      oh ya I just sent u a friend invite off of my main account on yt also I have a Tidus icon on there right now if that helps
    19. Kites
      I wish you were too DX

      Thank you Little Bro, it took me about 1-2 years to become good enough...and build enough courage to try it out on Nomura :D

      You're welcome<3 I believe in you any day<3 *hugs back*

      Did I forget to tell you that my oldest cousin's brother works for North America Square Enix...if nothing else he's got contact information :D
    20. melissar7Rikufan
      um mine is melissa7657 but I also have another account I will go send u a friend invite from there right now then u will understand why I m not saying the name of the other 1
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    Trolling Shizu-chan
    That one ******bag who loves the huamn race.
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