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KH-Vids now offers you the ability to download all cutscenes in just 4 files. This makes things faster and easier for you. Of course, you can still download them individually!Click here to download Part 1 of the Archive.
Click here to download Part 2 of the Archive.
Click here to download Part 3 of the Archive.
Click here to download Part 4 of the Archive.
These videos are from the English dub.
Files offered in ZIP format.
Part 1(Introduction - Hollow Bastion(First Visit)) is 4.20 GB.
Part 2(The Land of Dragons (First Visit) - Pride Lands (First Visit)) is 5.70 GB.
Part 3(Twilight Town (Second Visit) - Pride Lands(Second Visit)) is 4.90 GB.
Part 4(Atlantica - Extra + Alternate Scenes) is 5.20 GB.

Description:The opening movie to Kingdom Hearts II.
Filesize:252 MB
Download:Download (.mp4)
Menu Trailer

Description:The menu trailer for Kingdom Hearts II.
Filesize:116 MB
Download:Download (.mp4)
Twilight Town: The First Day

Description:His heart is returning. Doubtless he'll awaken very soon.
Filesize:303 MB
Download:Download (.mp4)
Twilight Town: The Second Day

Description:We don't want summer vacation to be over.
Filesize:219 MB
Download:Download (.mp4)
Twilight Town: The Third Day

Description:I wanted to meet you at least once.
Filesize:339 MB
Download:Download (.mp4)
Twilight Town: The Fourth Day

Description:Talk about blank with a capital B.
Filesize:647 MB
Download:Download (.mp4)
Twilight Town: The Fifth Day

Description:Don't you want to know the truth about who you really are?
Filesize:492 MB
Download:Download (.mp4)
Twilight Town: The Sixth Day

Description:Don't call me then lock me out...
Filesize:578 MB
Download:Download (.mp4)
Twilight Town (First Visit)

Description:Hey Sora, you sure we haven't met before?
Filesize:955 MB
Download:Download (.mp4)
Hollow Bastion (First Visit)

Description:And here I thought we could be friends...
Filesize:426 MB
Download:Download (.mp4)
The Land of Dragons (First Visit)

Description:I should never have doubted you. From now on, you have my trust.
Filesize:584 MB
Download:Download (.mp4)
Beast's Castle (First Visit)

Description:I knew you weren't yourself, you don't have to apologize.
Filesize:443 MB
Download:Download (.mp4)
Hundred Acre Wood

Description:Now try to remember, Pooh. Isn't Sora the one you're looking for?
Filesize:644 MB
Download:Download (.mp4)
Olympus Coliseum (First Visit)

Description:Dead...dead is good! And I know just the warrior.
Filesize:660 MB
Download:Download (.mp4)
Disney Castle + Timeless River

Description:The castle is in danger! We've got to do something soon!
Filesize:871 MB
Download:Download (.mp4)
Port Royal (First Visit)

Description:I got you out of that jail cell, Sparrow. Do this and your debt's repaid.
Filesize:659 MB
Download:Download (.mp4)
Agrabah (First Visit)

Description:Could you guys maybe put in a good word for me?
Filesize:429 MB
Download:Download (.mp4)
Halloween Town (First Visit)

Description:Donald, Goofy, and I can get rid of them for you. And then we can go see Santa!
Filesize:804 MB
Download:Download (.mp4)
Pride Lands (First Visit)

Description:You want us to take down your king?
Filesize:769 MB
Download:Download (.mp4)
Twilight Town (Second Visit)

Description:Do you know a girl named Kairi?
Filesize:346 MB
Download:Download (.mp4)
Hollow Bastion (Second Visit) + Space Paranoids (First Visit)

Description:My user is the user of this system: Ansem the Wise!
Filesize:794 MB
Download:Download (.mp4)
Hollow Bastion (Third Visit)

Description:What am I suppose to do if I can't use the Keyblade!?
Filesize:1.29 GB
Download:Download (.mp4)
The Land of Dragons (Second Visit)

Description:That's gotta be Riku!
Filesize:327 MB
Download:Download (.mp4)
Beast's Castle (Second Visit)

Description:When Kingdom Hearts is ours, we can exist fully and completely.
Filesize:353 MB
Download:Download (.mp4)
Olympus Coliseum (Second Visit)

Description:People always do crazy things when they're in love.
Filesize:427 MB
Download:Download (.mp4)
Port Royal (Second Visit)

Description:Lucky we didn't get cursed, huh?
Filesize:368 MB
Download:Download (.mp4)
Agrabah (Second Visit)

Description:How 'bout giving me a challenge next time, eh Al?
Filesize:327 MB
Download:Download (.mp4)
Halloween Town (Second Visit)

Description:Jack, it's not about the box or the ribbons. It's about what's inside the box.
Filesize:362 MB
Download:Download (.mp4)
Pride Lands (Second Visit)

Description:The Pride Lands will not forget King Simba's courage.
Filesize:372 MB
Download:Download (.mp4)

Description:Too bad about your prince, though. He IS quite a catch...
Filesize:988 MB
Download:Download (.mp4)
Hollow Bastion (Fourth Visit) + Space Paranoids (Second Visit)

Description:Isn't this what users do when they're sorry to say goodbye?
Filesize:564 MB
Download:Download (.mp4)
Radient Garden

Description:Defeating me is meaningless. You know that more than anyone, Cloud.
Filesize:136 MB
Download:Download (.mp4)
Twilight Town (Third Visit)

Description:This is the other Twilight Town.
Filesize:348 MB
Download:Download (.mp4)
The World That Never Was

Description:Roxas, are you really sure that you don't have a heart?
Filesize:1.96 GB
Download:Download (.mp4)
Ending, Credits + Epilogue

Description:Thinking of you, wherever you are.
Filesize:646 MB
Download:Download (.mp4)
The Gathering + Birth by Sleep

Description:It all began with birth by sleep.
Filesize:204 MB
Download:Download (.mp4)
Extra + Alternate Scenes

Description:Extra and alternate scenes throughout Kingdom Hearts II.
Filesize:438 MB
Download:Download (.mp4)
- Published:
- Aug 14, 2012
- Page Views:
- 22,193