Crap! she's really good! i wouldn't be able to figure out the first step in the first room... But that is seriously one of the coolest ways to propose!!!! Hahaa!
I agree. My family has been through a lot of marriages and remarriages (not my nuclear family, cousins and such), and this is seriously the sweetest proposal I've ever seen.
I actually really wish i could've seen her face during the entire demo, i kinda figured out early on, but i just would love to see how she reacted to the entire thing... I wonder if she was crying tears of joy. ;-;
This was a comment on the video, but I had to post it here cause it's amazing. XD "Cave Johnson here. This marriage proposal has just come to my attention, and all I have to say is: knock it off. If you two lovebirds want to marry something, marry Science. Unlike marrying another human being, Science won't produce children that will grow up to resent you, and it doesn't require fancy candy or ties for Father's Day to keep it happy. Go back to the testing chambers and I'll personally wed you to some repulsion gel, then call it even. Cave Johnson, we're done here."
Did any one else notice 'Stabby'? I couldn't think of anything other than the very own Stabby couple here on KHV. :lolface: That was the sweetest thing ever, now they should just get married over Portal co op xD