lucky. 0_o
hey, id like to c a trailer 4 this.
kewl audio
OK I'll go for it. either that or Thnks Fr TH Mmrs by Fall Out Boy- i cant decide. believe it or not i actually thought about doing a keyblade parody to Pop Lock and Drop it... XD
the MCR song ****ed up so I'll prolly use one of those... IDK.
haven't heard them, but OK... any more???
k... anybody else?
hey guys. anybody got an idea for a song i could use in my next AMV??? i got nothin', so, ummm, anybody???
ok :) me no worry
okay my site aint running so good. its a KH and Anime site, the link's in my sig, and i really need more help. im thinking of changing it to just KH. what should i do?
wow. im speachless. nice story... :D Keep it up!
dang it! i must get a PS3 and a PSP!!! b/c ff dissidia is on the PSP. im gonna have ta get alot of $ fast enough.
This is Castle Oblivion if you look closely at the 2nd pic. this may be an extra if you finish CoM before FM... just a theory ^^[/QUOTE] hey i noticed that 2! that sucks burnt monkey nuts for it not being a real boss yet! and just a dang coceptual boss! dang it!!!
yep answered alot of my questions,2! :D
exactly! and thx 2 TheWertle 4 finding this out/ translating it!
(-Edited for advertisment-)
Well its not really an AMV, not mine, but a good friend of mine on YouTube made it. Click below. I like the Smells Like Teen Spirit AMV that was in the top 5 this week. What about you guys?
mine r blue eyes ultimate dragon, five head dragon, and, good god, what was the other 1???? oh well. :D
wait no, its in the gallery, KH2FM, pg 5