Recent Content by Zarato

  1. Zarato
    I know there are codes to t-stance terra, but I am needing one to t-stance boss roxas. I'm going to set him as a partner in place of goofy if that makes a difference.
    Post by: Zarato, Nov 15, 2011 in forum: Code Vault
  2. Zarato
    Oh yeah, I know that they got the final xemnas UCM digit to work in the emperor's throne room, but did they ever get it to work everywhere or at least anywhere else?
    Post by: Zarato, Nov 24, 2010 in forum: Code Vault
  3. Zarato
    I actually do not know what those lines do, but I believe they have something to do with the "event" going on in the room you are in.
    Post by: Zarato, Nov 23, 2010 in forum: Code Vault
  4. Zarato
    I know that at one point there was a code to change xemnas 1s model to final xemnas' model. Does anyone still have that code, and also will it work the other way around (give final xemnas xemnas 1s model)?

    Warp to 1000 heartless battle
    E003FDFF 0034D45C
    1032BAE0 00001104
    2032BAE4 00420042
    1032BAE8 00000042

    That one skips the cutscene for me. Hope it works for ya.
    Post by: Zarato, Nov 23, 2010 in forum: Code Vault
  5. Zarato
    Does anyone have a code that stops party members from disappearing when using limit form limits? I've noticed that they disappear for the duration of the limit.
    Post by: Zarato, Nov 16, 2010 in forum: Code Vault
  6. Zarato
    Wow.....Those are some epic codes.....Multiple wield sora, DW bosses......just wow. Any chance that you will be posting some of these codes soon. I'm really looking forward to trying some out.
    Post by: Zarato, Sep 29, 2010 in forum: Video Showcase
  7. Zarato
    Hmm.....looks like you used other sora partners' keyblades, I would have to say that that is very clever. Is it very prone to crashing? I know that they multiple sora code can be a little unstable at times. Can't wait to see the vid of it. Make sure to PM me a link if it is going to be a separate topic.

    Also, I have just a small code request. Has anyone hacked a speed mod for sora alone? I know that there is a core speed mod, but I want to just mod sora's core speed.
    Post by: Zarato, Sep 29, 2010 in forum: Code Vault
  8. Zarato
    Thanks a lot. I really want to mess around with Master form and give it stuff like final or valor's arms, or some mixture, but I can wait. You can just PM when you have the time. Thanks again.
    Post by: Zarato, Aug 5, 2010 in forum: Code Vault
  9. Zarato
    Is anyone familiar with the "arm moveset mods" that are used to make moveset mods?

    DW Roxas hand moveset mod (it mods both hands individually)

    right hand
    21cd53f0 XXXXXXXX
    21cd53f4 0000YYYY
    21cd53f8 00000000
    left hand
    21cd5410 XXXXXXXX
    21cd5414 0000YYYY
    21cd5418 00000000

    X values
    (this the moveset of the form you want this hand to have)

    464C5442 Valor
    4647414D Wisdom
    46495254 Master
    46544C55 Final
    464C5448 Anti

    Y values
    (this is which hand of the form you want to give to roxas' hand.)
    4C5F left
    525F right

    So for example, lets say you want to give roxas master's moveset, but you want both his keyblades to spin in the air (like master's left hand) Then the code would be

    21cf009c 46495254 (master's moveset)
    21cf00a0 00004C5F (left hand)
    21cf00a4 00000000
    21cf00bc 46495254 (master's moveset)
    21cf00c0 00004C5f (left hand)
    21cf00c4 00000000

    (this was used to make the DW final roxas Code.)

    I know that something else similar was used in the ntsc kh2 DW Wisdom.

    My question is does anyone have an individual hand moveset mod like that for master form sora (or any other form for that matter)?
    Post by: Zarato, Aug 4, 2010 in forum: Code Vault
  10. Zarato
    Does anyone know the backwards/reverse/ninja wield code for final mix. I found the one for NTSC, but I can't seem to find it for FM.

    This is the code for KH2 NTSC:
    21CFBDEC 000000BC
    Post by: Zarato, May 8, 2010 in forum: Code Vault
  11. Zarato
    Pretty sweet. What is it supposed to be though? Is it an effects mod for sora to give him axel's fire?
    Post by: Zarato, May 5, 2010 in forum: Code Vault
  12. Zarato
    ok, I have a new code that I'm searching for. I noticed that someone was able to create a weapon model mod for roxas in the sora vs roxas cutscene.


    I cannot seem to find the code ANYWHERE. Does anyone know where I could find this code? If so, can anyone make a code for it to work in the actual battle? If not, that's fine, but I really would like the cutscene code at the very least.
    Post by: Zarato, Apr 5, 2010 in forum: Code Vault
  13. Zarato
    I wasn't quite sure where to ask about this, but I was looking for a way to boot my new final mix game on my US ps2 slim. I have looked into swap magic and free mcboot, but I would like to know if there is a way to boot the game so that I may apply cheats at the same time. I have an action replay max evo and codebreaker, but I need a way to apply codes to my import game. Anyone have any solutions to this?
    Thread by: Zarato, Mar 18, 2010, 3 replies, in forum: Technology
  14. Zarato
    Ah, ya beat meh.
    Post by: Zarato, Mar 18, 2010 in forum: Code Vault