Recent Content by Zantairette

  1. Zantairette
    I'm actually pretty scared to get my hopes up for this. I was way too excited for BBS and I just got let down at every world. The pet things look really cute, but I just hope they don't make fighting too easy. And the whole "Mark of Mastery" thing never seemed right to me... I just don't think it's worth making a whole game about it. But I'm so happy to see Neku! I love that guy! :D
  2. Zantairette
    I never thought of the animate thing. From that view, I can see why they did it, I can forgive them :3 But otherwise, yes, it does look wrong, but interesting theory!
  3. Zantairette
    I'm sorry if there's already something like this on here, but I just found out after staying away from news for a few days O.o

    He's really going to look like that? I mean, I really love Riku and he's my favourite character, but this new look takes away everything that made him look good in KH2. I can see they kept the same style, but his hair! It doesn't look right to me. Not at all.

    Sora looks really good, but not Riku. In my opinion, they really screwed up. Do you agree or disagree? I'd like to hear some thoughts! :D
    Thread by: Zantairette, Sep 16, 2011, 39 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.8: Final Chapter Prologue
  4. Zantairette
    The first time I picked sword and gave up the shield and it's pretty much stuck with me every time I play through it. Except when I play on hard, then I pick shield and give up magic.
    Post by: Zantairette, Sep 14, 2011 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  5. Zantairette
    I really can't see them fighting again. I think Riku's become to strong to give into the darkness again, and because of the strong bond he has with Sora, he'll probably stick by Sora's side. At least I hope he will, I'd prefer to see Sora and Riku fight in the same party, like in KH2 but better.
    Post by: Zantairette, Sep 14, 2011 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  6. Zantairette
    Profile Post

    We do? What like? :3

    We do? What like? :3
    Profile Post by Zantairette for xigbar.nom, Sep 14, 2011
  7. Zantairette
    I'd be happy to take criticism, since I never get any and it helps me to improve! So, please tell me what you think and how I could improve, but bare in mind that some of these are not very good, less than 30 second experiments, because I'm still kinda new to my editing software:

    This Cocaine:

    Where you Belong (Xion tribute)

    Blue Eyes:

    Things that won't be finished:

    This Hurricane:

    Tears to Roses:

    Ending in a nutshell:

    "Odd One":

    There was probably a better way to do this, but I am no good with technology o.o
    Thread by: Zantairette, Sep 12, 2011, 0 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  8. Zantairette
  9. Zantairette