Last Activity:
Sep 1, 2012
Oct 6, 2011
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6:47 AM
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Following 3

Nov 12, 1991 (Age: 32)
twilight town (like i would really say where lol)
none sadly at the moment


Moogle Assistant, 32, from twilight town (like i would really say where lol)

YumiFireFox was last seen:
Sep 1, 2012
    1. eentje
      Haha, I do that too! I give people cake I made myself, haha
    2. Rhiscx
      Dang........I don't know whether to be impressed or tell you to get a new computer. It kinda feels like both.
    3. eentje
      Ah, did you have your b-day? Happy Birthday Yumi!
    4. Rhiscx
      Is it a mac or PC if I may ask?
    5. eentje
      Nah, don't worry bout that, I have it all the time, XP, And I'm doing fine, haha
    6. Rhiscx
      Ha ha. It's quite alright. I've had my share of computer problems myself.
    7. Rhiscx
      I'm alright. Got no school today, so I'll be able to chat with you a little more if you don't mind?
    8. Rhiscx
      You got some nice friends there. You ever get tired of the cake, you can send me some:)

      So, how have you been recently?
    9. Rhiscx
      Hey!!! Happy birthday!!!!! Hope your having a good time:)
    10. eentje
      Ohey there! How are ya?
    11. Rhiscx
      I'm sorry. I know this feels kinda rushed. But it's 12am for me, and I have to get up of rework tomorrow.

      Perhaps we'll be able to chat again soon. But take it easy ok? And again, I do hope you'll feel better.
    12. Rhiscx
      Oh, I'm sorry for your loss. I've lost my grandparents as well. It hurts to lose a loved one. But they never really leave. They are with you in spirit, watching over you. I do hope you feel better soon.
    13. Rhiscx
      Oh really? May I ask why? Did something happen to you recently?
    14. Rhiscx
      Oh that? That simply changes the more posts you make. All starters, or those under 100 posts are moogle assistant.

      I'm sorry I couldn't answer A.S.A.P, I just got home from work. But I hope that answers your question.
    15. Rhiscx
      Why hello there. Don't know when you'll get this, but I have to say that is a pretty cool and creative name.

      As for your list, I completely agree. There is just something about Sora that always makes me smile and I aspire to be like him sometimes.
    16. eentje
      Well, you at least know how to VM! But you need to go to the forum. You can either click the big banner with Terra, Aqua and Ven, or click on the Forum button underneath it. Then go to Introduce Yourself and make a new Topic. Ask me if you need help
    17. eentje
      Sweetie, you can better post that on the forums, need me to explain it better to you?
    18. YumiFireFox
      well um hello i am very nervous/happy at the same time. one i never been on something like this only deviantart so nice to meet everyone. and 2 is happy since i am with friends here no one of my friends really like Kingdom Hearts like i do lol well i am sorta converting my boyfriend into it but other than him no one else.

      my Favs in order (guys)
      Sora(first into my heart and it's staying that way)
      Roxas(second in to my heart)
      Ven(he is just so adorable like if i could draw it it would be chibi him looking up all cute just saying "Friend?"
      and this one is a tie between Terra and Vanitas( i just can't pick who is better they both rock)
      but in all i love them all
      Sadly though i am not to found of Riku he is a jealous ****** bag but he is kinda cute that's all you will get out of me.

      Fav girl they all cool but Kairi she can not have Sora......='(
    19. eentje
      Ohay there! Hope you enjoy it here!
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  • About

    Nov 12, 1991 (Age: 32)
    twilight town (like i would really say where lol)
    none sadly at the moment
    completely in love with this game series no joke i have them all and will one day have the final mixes too

    games reading music drawing


    i need more of Sora Roxas in my life[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]