Recent Content by YukiSaxor

  1. YukiSaxor
  2. YukiSaxor
    This site's url. XD
    I've been struggling to find this account for awhile now after getting hit by nostalgia.

    What I remember the most was working on this fanproject called Kingdom Hearts End of Eternity:

    Along with my terrible voice acting audition for said project:

    I haven't been here since like 2013. lol
    Many of the people I have befriended and met during that time seems to have left.

    There's nothing else I can think of to say except I wish I could edit my profile. (>v<) Not so much into Vocaloid stuff anymore. But I guess I could leave it as is since it shows what I was like back when I last was here?

    Okay! I'm rambling now! Nice to be back here again. ^-^

    I must warn all of you since it has been happening for years.
    About 99% of the time I am NOT talking down to you, think myself superior than you, am angry, upset, "butthurt" or always serious. This is simply my writing style, I know I phrase things quite differently.
    Multiple times I've had to put an audio file to my post to prove to people I am really anything other than my usual bubbly self when it comes to my posts.^-^
    Whenever I am angry or upset, I will admit it.
    Additionally, adding in more emotes as so many have advised me to do, do NOT work. As ^-^ and XD has been taken as sarcasm or mocking the reader sooo many times.

    Thank you for reading and have a nice day!
    Thread by: YukiSaxor, Mar 30, 2017, 0 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures
  3. YukiSaxor
  4. YukiSaxor
    *randomly sneaks in the topic*
    I am free~ Single~ Free~ And I don't want a boyfriend, I mean I desire one but really most guys in my high school are...D: And the ones that aren't are either taken or are going to leave next year (honestly if I date a senior I'm going to let him go the moment summer comes don't want to take away his college experience. He should experience the education, girls, parties and stuff (taking a college in another state! Freedom~)~ You'll only be 18 once.) Besides I can't help but think of how many stares we'll be getting. I'm mistaken to ages younger than what I am. My family ages slowly. People thought my mom's great grandparents were her grandparents. And my great aunt who's like 70 or somethin looks..about 50..40ish. I didn't even think she was that old until I was told her age. Though that could be because she doesn't let things stress her out and the youngness of the family.
    Post by: YukiSaxor, Feb 22, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. YukiSaxor
    I was really hoping it was not that book. All Quiet on the Western Front that is. I read it in Sophmore year. Actually "read" it. The book bored my classmates and I. All my classmates thought I did read it because usually I read the "boring books." It was so bad I couldn't remember what I just read. All I remember of that book is that they used outside toilets and how the author took the time to describe farts. "He then let out a hearty fart." Something about butterflies, something about French woman, something about how someone took a dead man's boots and something about how the enemy (French man) was no different from the main character himself.

    Books this year:
    Fredrick Douglas, The Great Gatsby, Hunger (filled with short stories, all of them are depressing, and all of them have characters that are Chinese. It was nice reading it but though I understood that the book has 1 theme "hunger". Having the same them shown in the same light (a depressing tone) is just D:), and now we're just reading essays by the same writer, High Tide in Tuscan and Go Go Boots.
    Post by: YukiSaxor, Feb 21, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. YukiSaxor
    Hey there! Thanks for clicking on this topic! Anyway, I'm probably the most older inactive member on here~ Last time I was here was last year. It. has. been. months.
    Because I think many of you don't know. I am Yukisaxor. Princess of...something...
    Anyway my favorite Kh character's are:
    Namine, Roxas, Xion, Axel, Zexion.
    I love sweets. The arts.[drawing, animating, singing, music, etc.] (It is my life! It really is!!) I love listening to all sorts of music~ From Japanese to Korea. From Russian to French. From American to Cana-Braz-Mex-..yeah American.
    I love Gothic looking things~ Along with lolita. (Edwardian, Victorian, Rocco). Along with Steampunk and Cyberpunk...
    I enjoy reading comics (manhwa, graphic novels, manga.) I've seen/read over 200 anime/manga titles. (mostly manga though.)
    And my favorite Comic book character's that I can think off off the top of my head are:
    Nightwing, Nightcrawler, Storm, Blade (though I only watched the movie and the animation on G4), Raven, Catwoman and Harley Quinn. (I I bet I'm missing something.)
    I also love guns~ Guns~ And I love shooters, 3rd person I tend to like the most because I can play it better than 1st. (I need like an actual gun in my hand to play that decently.) I also like rhythm games, rpgs, action and adventure. A dream video game for me would be a 3rd person shooter, with the main character being a girl, rpg, she also fights hand to hand and it's an adventure. Add Steampunk and cyberpunk it's a plus. And have it be on the PSP. (Cause I don't have a PS3, Xbox360, wii, etc.) With that being said I love Black Rock Shooter! (Especially the game, which I Japanese) I also love Summoner Saga by Moai66 on Deviantart.
    Lastly, I love Short Films. (I really do!) And anything that's like homemade, like someone making their own video game! Or Animation! Or anime series (or non anime series).
    Whoa! That's a lot!

    The word for this topic is: Love.
    As in Yukisaxor loves a lot of things...
    Thread by: YukiSaxor, Feb 4, 2012, 8 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures
  7. YukiSaxor
    I see...Nightwing! and robin.. In a sig above me! Kind of out place here~
    Post by: YukiSaxor, Feb 4, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  8. YukiSaxor


    What an irrelevant title that is ho ho! Like Santa Claus. Because I'm bored and I'm curious. Imma just going to say as much random stuff as I can now okay? OKAY!

    This sentence is False! True or false? True...false? Is this even a paradox?

    A cooly cooly kind of thing. Fooly Cooly!

    The answer is 0! There are no buses in Genkyoso! baka, baka

    Do u trip over a mountain? Now you don't! u trip over the many stones all over that darn thing! And if you're really unlucky you'll trip at the very last stone at the top and end up falling down like a cloth doll and end up messing up your whole entire body! Will you survive? Hopefully! Maybe if Superman saves you! Like how he saves the planet. But oh have some kryptonite his one true weakness! I guess you won't survive after all....

    Do YOU believe in life after love? If not then your not alone a girl named Bella doesn't believe there is life after love~ But then again I guess she really wasn't truly living.

    If you're hot and you're wondering how to make some easy money what should you do? Well if your a dude you should totally get a tan (if you don't have 1) And wear a short black wig (if you don't have one). Then you just tear off your shirt and say that you're a werewolf! Though this will only work if you have well toned muscles. So what do you do if you don't? You go to the gym! But ah, this makes you more hotter doesn't? No big deal, just go to the bathroom and dunk your head in the sink! Then go back to working out. Ah but working out is so hard and it's not fast. So what do you do? You take special medicine that makes your muscles bigger! Hmm...but this special medicine is also messing with parts of your body that aren't muscles. So what do you do? I don't know...go ask a doctor or something. But oh! The doctor takes that special medicine too and has no clue. So I guess that means you're kind of screwed eh? Maybe next time you'll make a lemonade stand, but oh that requires....

    Am I on anything? Nothing but pure imagination and boredom. It's an addicting kind of thing. But not too addicting you need to go to like rehab. y'know?

    This is it~ Can you beat me and make a longer post? OR be more random or somethin? I BET YOU CAN'T.
    Thread by: YukiSaxor, Feb 4, 2012, 12 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. YukiSaxor
    Known for not being known. [Like Canada from Hetalia!] I should really be more active on here......
    Post by: YukiSaxor, Feb 4, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. YukiSaxor
    I used to be afraid of Chucky. I don't know how I got over that fear though.

    Anyway what I fear the most is:
    1. loosing any one of my 5 sense
    -becoming blind and deaf espically
    2. Lousiana (The most haunted state in America!)
    3. Loneliness
    4. Being bothered again by a certain guy at school. Who somehow knows stuf about me but I know nothing about him except basic info like his name and grade. He probably knows stuff from evaesdropping on conversations
    5. Lifelike dolls freak me out (actually a specific doll freaks me out but I won't say it on here. Last time I told someone the name of the doll they posted tons of pictures of the doll online. I wasn't able to sleep for weeks.)
    6. Ghosts, specifically Yurei (Yuurei?) its a type of Japanese ghost. An example of one is the chick from the grudge and the chick from The Ring.
    7. Kuchisake-Onna (statue)
    8. Androids
    As much as I am interested in them if I actually meet one in person I would defintely be afraid of them.
    9. Mental Asylums Doubt I'll ever be inside one though.
    10. Needles and sharp objects. (Yet people still poke themselves even when knowing that evil peoples. "Oh it doesn't hurt." *stabs themselves with a safety pin*)
    11. Being in situations where I can't do anything...
    Post by: YukiSaxor, Jan 23, 2011 in forum: Discussion
  11. YukiSaxor
    Lucifer by Shinee
    Post by: YukiSaxor, Jan 23, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  12. YukiSaxor
    L's simple character design makes so much sense, it defintely fits his personality. His mind is strong with justice, his stomach is strong with sweets and his appearance is strong with simplicity. (minus the hair because of the way it is messy)

    But even though L is a simple cosplay I have seen people that don't really pull off L. Due to what kind of jeans and shirts they picked and they way the styled their hair. Along with whatever kind of make-up they use to put the bags under their eyes.
    Post by: YukiSaxor, Jan 23, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone