Recent Content by XxMayxIsAmyxX

  1. XxMayxIsAmyxX
    Yeah you cna be Axel, and I really don't know the nobodies that well, I haven't played the game in forever, and I'm really sorry that I haven't been on here in forever, I've been occupied with everything
    Post by: XxMayxIsAmyxX, Mar 21, 2011 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  2. XxMayxIsAmyxX
  3. XxMayxIsAmyxX
  4. XxMayxIsAmyxX
  5. XxMayxIsAmyxX
    Profile Post

    YEP! That's right!

    YEP! That's right!
    Profile Post by XxMayxIsAmyxX for Terra254, Feb 4, 2011
  6. XxMayxIsAmyxX
    Profile Post

    Well that is awesome!

    Well that is awesome!
    Profile Post by XxMayxIsAmyxX for Terra254, Feb 4, 2011
  7. XxMayxIsAmyxX
  8. XxMayxIsAmyxX
    OH NOES! There aren't that many members! WHAT IS THE ORGANIZATION GOING TO DO!

    Okay sooo yeah, a little too dramatic up there...but here are the possible people you could be, as long as there isn't a user name after the - or someone had already said they wanted to be them and I didn't notice it until the net day or two, sorry but I have school and crap to keep up with.

    1. Xemnas-Final_Ian997
    2. Xigbar-
    3. Xaldin-
    4. Vexen-
    5. Lexaus-
    6. Zexion-terra254
    7. Saix-
    8. Axel-Daxa
    9. Demyx-
    10. Luxord-
    11. Marluxia-
    12. Larxene-
    13. Roxas-master of keyblades
    14. Xion-

    Okay so that's all the people, now I need opinions, should I allow OC nobodies to be added onto this or not, because sooner or later all the people are going to be taken and I really am not prepared for what will happen when that happens, so suggestions are nice, as long as they aren't to offend anyone!
    Thread by: XxMayxIsAmyxX, Feb 4, 2011, 12 replies, in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  9. XxMayxIsAmyxX
    If no one minds, I'll be the......FOREST ASSASSIN! :bounce:
    Post by: XxMayxIsAmyxX, Feb 4, 2011 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  10. XxMayxIsAmyxX
    Cool, and I'm good, hbu?
    Profile Post by XxMayxIsAmyxX for Terra254, Feb 4, 2011
  11. XxMayxIsAmyxX
    Can I be Ino??? :bounce:
    Post by: XxMayxIsAmyxX, Feb 4, 2011 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  12. XxMayxIsAmyxX