Sorry! I've been gone because I forgot my login >>;
pop still can't stop smiling >w<
poke poke =|
I'm fine thanks, you? nya, sorry for long reply time xD;been busy... looking forward to spring?
nya, sorry for long reply time xD; looking forward to spring?
yup, though I'm dying already and barely starting the main story ><
yush 8D and ffxiii
yesh it is DX probs why my moms letting me go to that thing on the 16th of April on my own or not, even though I have no clue how to get to...
nah, I could quit when I want, not legally required, though I'm gonna give it until the end of the year to make up my mind. just been stressed...
o.O I don't wanna go back to 6th form Dx
yush...I got bumble bee socks today 8]
hehe ^^; things have been good...