Recent Content by xemnasfan

  1. xemnasfan
    not me the only thing that scares me about my death is continuing to live once i die, if nothing but oblivion was waiting for me on the other side i would gladly pop a 5.56 mm round in my skull.

    my fear is living to long.

    personally i hope that feeling of dread that i got at age six that i would die at 25 comes true.
    Post by: xemnasfan, Jan 20, 2011 in forum: Discussion
  2. xemnasfan
    god they are ruining this game, why in the hell is she looking at cinderella's castle for that makes no sense.

    course besides bbs the last two games they made make no damn sense at all.

    i am droping this series like a ton of bricks, xenosaga made more sense even though it is incomplete, hell i understood half life 2 better in the two days i spent playing it then the years i wasted on this crap.

    they keep changing the story every game, and rewriting the rules every cutscene, adding in unnessesary characters. you can't keep a story going like that. i'm quiting this for better games like fallout 3 and half life 2. but i'm keeping xemnas. good day.
    Post by: xemnasfan, Jan 20, 2011 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  3. xemnasfan
    i agree, waste of time. but i'll admit if it didn't require 1000 freaking points on the first try it might have been somewhat decent. my biggest issue was i couldn't find out when to press the X button. that and my reaction/timing skills really suck, and i hate rythmn games with a passion.
    Post by: xemnasfan, Dec 15, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  4. xemnasfan
    i have to add another one, a few people made a very good point.

    ice cream beat in BBs, if it wasn't for this hard as hell mandatory minigame i would probably have played bbs as much as i've played kh2, the game in my opinon was perfect till i got to disney town on ven's story. i played that dang thing at least 50 times never beat it. true story i never did beat it, my mom did after 20 tries.
    Post by: xemnasfan, Dec 14, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  5. xemnasfan
    ok i'll try that, our closest one is gamestop i'll see what they can do.
    Post by: xemnasfan, Dec 10, 2010 in forum: Technology
  6. xemnasfan
    i just got one the turbo fire 2 it's bluetooth and i'm trying to register it with my ps3, but that's were my problem is, it keeps clicking the O button on me. i swear i'm not doing it i had the controller on my bed trying to watch my music videos and the dang thing kept canceling out of the video.

    so i also can't register it for the same problem, also the d pad is messed up, right is fine but left is weak. i was driving a 3000gt twin turbo mr in gt5 and i admit it is a stiff car but when you can't go around a bend at 25 miles per hour there is a serious problem, and i can't drive with the analog stick.

    but this constant O button clicking i'm not sure how that will interfere with my games.

    note: i never put batteries in it i expected the dang thing to come with one like the basic controller does. it's 40 bucks i want it to have a battery by default. the basic one does and it's only ten bucks more.
    Thread by: xemnasfan, Dec 9, 2010, 3 replies, in forum: Technology
  7. xemnasfan
    oh crap i forgot about him, maybe that's because i never fought him before.

    but imo due to saix and ven having vastly different weapons their could be more to it, but that's just me anyway.
    Post by: xemnasfan, Dec 8, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  8. xemnasfan
    ok that i agree with, spyro has always had a lighthearted personality to me. the spyro game i played was on the ps1, it was a nice game with a wide varity or humor in it. the controls were decent and it was just fun. i got it on the psn for my ps3.
    Post by: xemnasfan, Dec 7, 2010 in forum: Gaming
  9. xemnasfan
    i've been having a bad last few months even though i'm on pills for depression they seem to have made me medically bi-polar, at this point even the smallest thing goes wrong and i blow a fuse i'm still in my low angry state now.

    i hope someday i can get back to a normal of some sort, like somewhere between happy and sad and just stay there.

    anyway i never knew what saix's weapon was called i've called it the claymore for years now, but really the only way to kinda confirm this is have both games running and compare attack for attack. but like i said even though i havn't played days in years now i'm pretty sure they have similar fighting styles not exact but similar. mainly cause weapons they use are different, not just in shape but size and weight.
    Post by: xemnasfan, Dec 7, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  10. xemnasfan
    i'll admit the ps2 is my favorite console and most ps3 games aren't as good, i haven't played many spyro games except the one that had the skateboarding levels in it, what did they do to spyro that was that bad, i didn't think you could go wrong with a dragon character.
    Post by: xemnasfan, Dec 7, 2010 in forum: Gaming
  11. xemnasfan
    as far as i know they did, my brother said someone in the goverment or something said that watching it lowers self esteem cause the coyote always gets the short end of the stick. that was like my favorite cartoon growing up. i live in the usa.
    Post by: xemnasfan, Dec 7, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. xemnasfan
    yeah, those old cartoons just ruled it's sad they removed the roadrunner and coyote from tv. i saw a dvd in walmart few months back with what i assume is every loony toons cartoon ever made, i should have gotten it.
    Post by: xemnasfan, Dec 7, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. xemnasfan
    yeah i agree not many new movies are that good, but i miss the old cartoons, like the loney toons and tom and jerry
    Post by: xemnasfan, Dec 7, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. xemnasfan