Vladimir Makarov
Last Activity:
Sep 14, 2020
Mar 15, 2009
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November 1

Vladimir Makarov

Gummi Ship Junkie, Male

Vladimir Makarov was last seen:
Sep 14, 2020
    1. Senbonzakura Kageoshi
    2. Glen
      Hey Vlad with the RP I remember you mentioning a combat system. Hunter and Kala are about to enter a combat situation I think, how do we go about combat?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Vladimir Makarov
        Vladimir Makarov
        Oh, sorry. I actually almost typed my response to that first, then thought "no, silly. Respond to the first thing." You go first. ^^

        Huh, interesting. Well, i'll get back to you tomorrow and we can begin gutting this system and come up with something better. :3
        Aug 25, 2015
      3. Vladimir Makarov
        Vladimir Makarov
        And that's a sign I need to go to bed. xD The reason I mentioned that I almost typed the response to you asking who goes first to start is because since I thought that, I already thought I told you. Damn. Bedtime for me. xD Night.
        Aug 25, 2015
      4. Glen
        Cya tomorrow lol
        Aug 25, 2015
    3. Glen
      I have a question for you. Would you like me to tone down the casual writing style of my posts so that Hunter's actions are a bit....er.....well, not quite as humourous? I mean the RP is called return of the dark days so I thought I'd ask. If you want me to tone it down, I can easily do that, I just have so much fun writing him that way it's hard to stop sometimes
      1. Vladimir Makarov
        Vladimir Makarov
        It doesn't really bother me as long as it doesn't get out of control. ^^
        Aug 14, 2015
    4. CrownMoksha
      So is the meeting supposed to be for everyone or whoever wants to go?
      1. Vladimir Makarov
        Vladimir Makarov
        Yup. At the town hall. :)
        Aug 14, 2015
      2. Vladimir Makarov
        Vladimir Makarov
        Oh, just realized that didn't answer your question. The meeting is mandatory.
        Aug 16, 2015
      3. CrownMoksha
        Gotcha, time to start thinking up a post
        Aug 17, 2015
    5. Glen
      I hope Hunter being a bounty hunter doesn't cause any problems, because damn I had fun writing that post XD
      1. Vladimir Makarov
        Vladimir Makarov
        Nah, is cool. :3 Bounties are one of the things Neoph's group does.
        Aug 11, 2015
    6. cstar
      Hey stranger!
      1. Vladimir Makarov
        Vladimir Makarov
        Well hi thar. :3 how u doin
        Apr 27, 2014
    7. A Zebra
      A Zebra
      Merry Christmas
      1. Vladimir Makarov
        Vladimir Makarov
        Merry Christmas to you too. ^^ Yesterday, but still.
        Dec 26, 2013
    8. cstar
      -pokes and flees-
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Vladimir Makarov
        Vladimir Makarov
        Doing alright. I'm a fool in love. xD What's new?
        Apr 1, 2013
      3. cstar
        nothing is really "new" it's just a cycle repeating. How about on your side? I can already tell you're in love with someone, but apparently you are a fool for being in love? -shrugs- whatever. :|
        Apr 1, 2013
      4. Vladimir Makarov
        Vladimir Makarov
        xD It's just an old saying. I'm not a fool for loving this girl. Nothing really new is happening. Life is pretty boring.
        Apr 2, 2013
    9. Sebax
      Hey, the name's Base (Or Sebax as you can tell by the Username), and we'll be Role-playing together in SOS on Pachyderm Parade. I'm looking forward to it.
      1. Vladimir Makarov
        Vladimir Makarov
        Hello. Pleasure to meet you.
        Mar 10, 2013
    10. Krowley
      1. Vladimir Makarov
        Vladimir Makarov
        I'm sorry. >< Totally missed that.
        Mar 1, 2013
      2. Krowley
        It's cool, just wanted to give you a chance to pitch in before i moved on,
        Mar 1, 2013
      3. Vladimir Makarov
        Vladimir Makarov
        There we go, fixed it.
        Mar 1, 2013
    11. Odamadillo
      Vlad how have you been my friend?
      1. Vladimir Makarov
        Vladimir Makarov
        Been alright. How have you been?
        Feb 5, 2013
      2. Odamadillo
        Lets see I have two fanfics going and my lyrics are going strong so I'm Great. Also I've been in a good mood for four days in a row now.
        Feb 5, 2013
    12. Krowley
      Out of curiosity, do you have Skype, so I can reach you?
      I've started a group for those involved in SOS.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Krowley
        Added, I can add you to the chat once you've accepted the contact request. If you don't see it, just add me; va_krowley
        Jan 24, 2013
      3. Vladimir Makarov
        Vladimir Makarov
        Got it. :3 Sorry it took a bit. Had to deal with something.
        Jan 24, 2013
      4. rikuxking
        Add me on skype DarknessChild08
        Jan 25, 2013
    13. cstar
      1. View previous comments...
      2. cstar
        aw, sorry to hear you're annoyed. Is it a person or activity? (you don't have to tell me)
        Dec 28, 2012
      3. Vladimir Makarov
        Vladimir Makarov
        Kind of both. xD Gotta deal with it now. I'll tell you about it later.
        Dec 28, 2012
      4. cstar
        alright ^_^
        Dec 28, 2012
    14. Odamadillo
      Vladimir Makarov a friend of old
      And I remember you have been told
      That I still wish to talk to you
      And I know our conversations are far from through
      We dueled in the arena way back when
      Things we easy back then
      But now one last thing to say
      I wish you a Wonderful Christmas day!
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Odamadillo
        That is great and right now I am eating a giant tub of sweets.
        Dec 25, 2012
      3. Vladimir Makarov
        Vladimir Makarov
        That sounds fun. xD
        Dec 26, 2012
      4. Odamadillo
        It is.
        Dec 26, 2012
    15. Odamadillo
      You sure haven't been up to much lately have you?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Odamadillo
        No it isn't working at Christmas eve FOR SHAME!
        Dec 20, 2012
      3. Vladimir Makarov
        Vladimir Makarov
        xD I'm sorry?
        Dec 22, 2012
      4. Odamadillo
        Hmm ah well.
        Dec 22, 2012
    16. Hyuge ✧
      Hyuge ✧
      I miss you too.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Vladimir Makarov
        Vladimir Makarov
        xD Most share my sentiments, so it appears so.
        Dec 19, 2012
      3. Hyuge ✧
        Hyuge ✧
        that they do.
        Dec 19, 2012
      4. Vladimir Makarov
        Vladimir Makarov
        Ugh. I really should go to sleep... but i'm not tired, oddly enough. Worked all freakin' day.
        Dec 19, 2012
    17. (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
      (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
      Hey there, you~ :3 How you been?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Vladimir Makarov
        Vladimir Makarov
        It's 6am, I better get some sleep. >< Nini
        Dec 16, 2012
      3. (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
        (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
        Because it's set in New Orleans. And it makes me think of the awesome opening song.
        Dec 16, 2012
      4. (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
        (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
        Haha niiiiiiight~
        Dec 16, 2012
    18. Odamadillo
      Vlad are you ok mate?
      1. Vladimir Makarov
        Vladimir Makarov
        Yeah, just busy.
        Nov 29, 2012
      2. Odamadillo
        Fair enough when you have some time let me know mate.
        Nov 29, 2012
    19. Odamadillo
      Hey Vlad I wrote some new lyrics last night go take a look they are in the writer's nook you can't miss them. Also I will be open to duel in my lab on Yugioh family in about three hours time if your interested.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Vladimir Makarov
        Vladimir Makarov
        On weekdays, I usually get home at 5pm. So, 23:00 for you, I believe. Kinda late. But on the weekends, provided I do not have any previous engagements, I wake up around noon, so 18:00 for you. That would be ideal for me.
        Nov 25, 2012
      3. Odamadillo
        I am currently nocturnal so it seems like that isn't too bad but for me the weekend ends at midnight tonight what about you?
        Nov 25, 2012
      4. Vladimir Makarov
        Vladimir Makarov
        Same. Roughly ten hours from now.
        Nov 25, 2012
    20. Odamadillo
      Hello Vladimir I seem to recognize your name am I right in thinking you once dueled as Pegasus in the Yugioh arena? If so I believe you may have joined my forum The Yugioh Family. If that is the case I would like you to return.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Odamadillo
        So my memory has yet to fail me it seems. I am glad you will return since I have big plans for that place and would like all my old friends back although I don't think I ever got a chance to duel you.
        Nov 22, 2012
      3. Vladimir Makarov
        Vladimir Makarov
        xD You didn't. I'm kinda busy today, it being Thanksgiving and all, but perhaps tomorrow we could have a game or two if you're not busy.
        Nov 22, 2012
      4. Odamadillo
        I am open for a duel you should be able to find my topic. I am the one member not seen on if you know what I mean. I will leave it up to you to accept the challenge of my topic. Since I only duel at my forum these days.
        Nov 22, 2012
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