Recent Content by VenitasX

  1. VenitasX
    I completely forgot about that, what a great point! I think what else would really blow KH3 out of the water is something as KH fans were teased with but never privileged with. A well structured and thoughtfully designed multiplayer system. I longed so hard to play the Days multiplayer but ran into the same situation as you did. I was also one of the few who actually got to enjoy the Mirage Arena because of Adhoc. I don't understand why they would keep throwing these great ideas and opportunities at us but never fully utilizing them. I would love the idea of a tight knit online community of Kingdom Hearts players. A Kingdom Hearts Online Multiplayer right now is like a nobody. An empty shell longing for a heart.
    Post by: VenitasX, Mar 15, 2014 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  2. VenitasX
    I personally would prefer that the game play like Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2. I would prefer 1 single story however, I wouldn't mind bouncing between characters at a predetermined time. Also I almost expect that if the character wields a keyblade, then they should be playable. They have nothing to gain by preventing us from playing as our favorite characters.

    Then again, there were certain elements of different games that I would like to see return.
    Large flashy combos from KH2
    Command Styles from BBS
    Parkour from DDD

    Like I've said before, if they completely bomb this, I am going to learn to code a video game and I will redo the game better, sell it through moogle vendors and go to jail.
    Post by: VenitasX, Mar 15, 2014 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  3. VenitasX
    This could be answered so many ways. If they wrote it just like a normal Kingdom Hearts game, a laser of friendship will kill Xehanort and because the friendship is so strong he can never come back. However I have a little more faith in the writers. Assuming they have realized that all of their fans have grown up now they could write this several ways.

    They could possibly go Firelord Ozai style and take away Xehanorts bending; but I think they will probably play with our feelings a little bit with this game. I think that each character archetype will suffer a fate with their archetypal counterparts. To better explain, I think that the dark archetype (Terra, Riku, Axel) out of the trinity will end up being sacrificed in some way. I think the light archetype (Ven, Sora, Roxas) will end up being tied down in some way by fighting or being taken over by the enemy. More specifically Sora. I think that the princess archetype (Aqua, Kairi, Xion) will be the ones that make the true offense on the enemy.

    With all that being said, I ultimately think that Xehanort will be his own downfall, he will become overwhelmed with power.
    Post by: VenitasX, Mar 13, 2014 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  4. VenitasX
    Post by: VenitasX, Oct 25, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. VenitasX

    116 Unashamed

    I was just wondering, am I the only person here who knows what that means?
    Thread by: VenitasX, Oct 25, 2012, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. VenitasX
    You are right
    Post by: VenitasX, Oct 25, 2012 in forum: Debate Corner
  7. VenitasX
  8. VenitasX
    Thanks guys, I'm feeling a little better about it, I know it's just a dream and I shouldn't worry. Thanks for the support!
    Post by: VenitasX, Oct 25, 2012 in forum: Help with Life
  9. VenitasX
    No, there's a difference in lust and human nature. God made our bodies to long for the opposite gender he doesn't have a problem with that at all. He doesn't have a problem with what your body may do or what it may do to your mind. Its only when you deliberately think "naughty" of her and all of the things that you are supposed to do with your wife.
    Post by: VenitasX, Oct 24, 2012 in forum: Help with Life
  10. VenitasX
    I really like you, I just want to start off by saying that. I like you because, you kept the respect, you didn't see it as a challenge to my faith, and you kept it real for the most part. But some things you said are the reason that I cry sometimes because the people I like and love are sometimes mislead or deceived about Christianity. You made some really good points that I stress to my fellow all the time. Like how you said people will pick and choose which rules they want to follow. That is so true and I am constantly bringing that up to people. If you are going to live the lifestyle then you might as well live it to the fullest right? You also said that sin is sin. I want to just set something straight for everyone. I am not saying that homosexuality is like the highest form of sin or anything like that. There is no rank of sin its all bad on the same level of bad. A lot of Christians forget that because we as humans tend to include our personal beliefs into everything when it is not necessarily called for. For example if someone were to kill 30 people and then someone were to tell a little white lie and not repent for it, they would suffer equal fates. You see how we see it as different degrees of sin when it is really not. And I'm not going to address every point in your statement because it is past my bed time but God was talking to the children of Israel just telling them some things. Like that they shall be cut off and stuff, what He was saying is like dudes don't do that kind of stuff it's weird, if you will allow me to show it that way. I think this will be my last note, don't think of all Christian people as evil hypocrites because it's not necessarily the truth. We are no more perfect than anyone else contrary to what some of us believe. I am a Christian person and I am saved and I cursed twice today, I do not claim to be perfect by any means. But what will get me right with God is the fact that I repented and made an effort not to do it again. I really do hope you will try and read the Bible and get a better understanding because someone has mislead you and it irritates me because again I really like you, and you are intelligent and not ignorant like some of the people who try to pick fights with me over this stuff. You should pm me so we can keep talking if you want. I hope i didn't offend anyone, if i did please forgive me. Oh and Ill leave you with this, I cursed listened to every kind of music and did somethings that could be borderline blasphemy, I was addicted to pornography, and almost all the crap you can think of but you call me a "super christian today" God will accept anyone at anytime. I love everyone. 116 Unashamed
    Post by: VenitasX, Oct 24, 2012 in forum: Debate Corner
  11. VenitasX
    I'm not even sure if this means I like her or not which is sad, lol. But I can't say its as easy as kissing or dating...ill just leave it at that. Its something that has disturbed me subconsciously. Remember we were/are like brother and sister. We might as well be kin, we have been through ups and downs, thick and thin, rough and smooth, we have been places you dare not to leave two teens of the opposite sex alone, but nothing... We are that close but, now out of random...But I really don't want to have feelings for her yet I do. It's like random incest thoughts but not really. Does that make sense?
    Post by: VenitasX, Oct 24, 2012 in forum: Help with Life
  12. VenitasX
    Yea, I understand and I agree that there should be some separation and that everyone's views should be respected, but I will tell you right now that that doesn't exist even on a general term. In my church, we believe that listening the secular music is wrong yet they play secular music in each and every one of my classes so they apparently don't care. And what if my beliefs were that you must kill, steal, vandalize, abuse, ect. There are laws the forbid that or am I wrong. Please correct me if I am. And as fro some of those examples of teachings of the Bible, I hope you were just kidding because most of that is inaccurate. On the women being slaves to their husbands bit, the Bible says that women should be submissive to their husbands meaning: They should try not to argue with him on little things and try to cooperate with them. Not to be a slave and obey them as your master. Many people misunderstand that verse. Because the man is expected to be the leader of the family so we are supposed to kinda respect his decisions. But at the same time if a woman is totally against it then so be it. Just wanted to clarify that, I know its off topic and that shrimp thing...errr...random...far from accurate cannot even find a verse to relate to that. But yea....kinda lost my train of thought. But the above thing is the main point I was trying to stress.

    Oh and your profile picture, I would just like to ask you one thing. Do you play Grand Chase?
    Post by: VenitasX, Oct 24, 2012 in forum: Debate Corner
  13. VenitasX
    You are right, I would like to tell someone but I have trust issues with my peers and I doubt my dad would understand. But I really appreciate the support. That last line is well said, I needed that. Thanks.
    Post by: VenitasX, Oct 24, 2012 in forum: Help with Life
  14. VenitasX
    Alright, I will tell you right now that I am what you might call a "Bible hugger". I am a strong Christian and I believe that every moral, rule, and guideline in the Bible should be followed exactly how God intended. So that would include that being homosexual is a sin.

    But I am going to try and be as fair and bias as I can. I will say that it is not fair to exclude homosexuals or discriminate at all against anyone on a general basis. I will also say that people's opinions on this subject comes first from religion and second from the figure that either raised you or the one that you looked up to as a child. Sure one can change their opinion but i bet most people still keep some of the morals and thoughts of their parents and religions.

    Also a common thing i hear on this subject is that we should accept all types of people, but how can you say that when there are people today who are excluded or treated differently because of their race, gender, social class, RELIGION, SEXUALITY. I put those words in all caps because every time I hear someone debating this subject the Christian that posts on it gets ganged up on or pushed out for sharing their opinion that didn't agree with yours. So until there is a balance where every one is treated at the same exact level and no one is classified by their physical features or their moral standards, we shouldn't even use this phrase.

    But really the debate of this subject is a futile effort because I promise you this will continue until the end of time.

    As for the laws on gay marriage, The United States was founded upon Christianity, correct? So there is your explanation on that.

    But I will end my long post with this, the next post I post on this topic will be a Bible huggers opinion and I will tell it like it is. So be prepared to block me, hate me, be offended, and everything. But I will only do it out of love and I promise to keep respect for every person involved.

    116, We stay Unashamed!

    (I saw this and felt i needed to edit my post)
    they were in the holcaust and been in all kinds of toture.

    Irrelevant! There were tons of people involved gays weren't targeted for genocide, Jews were. Just because someone was gay and Jewish or were involved with Jews and was killed for whatever reason doesn't mean it was a hate crime to their sexuality.
    Post by: VenitasX, Oct 24, 2012 in forum: Debate Corner