Recent Content by the worm who ate midgar

  1. the worm who ate midgar
    tomorrow im gonna download some custom tracks, and im going to use those 2 without a doubt
    Post by: the worm who ate midgar, Sep 6, 2007 in forum: Production Studio
  2. the worm who ate midgar
    remember that rock version of Traverse Town that was posted by Xaldin while back?
    ( )

    well someone did something pretty cool with it

    theirs also Rising Sun (simple and clean

    If anyone wants to know how to make custom guitar hero tracks AND!!! has a way of loading copied games (swap magc/HD loader) then pm me or somthing
    Thread by: the worm who ate midgar, Sep 6, 2007, 2 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  3. the worm who ate midgar
    oddly enough, the CD version of my swap magic dosent work lol.

    but i got it cheep so im not complaning, if it ever is an issue, ill jsut buy a new one.

    but remember, their might be problems somtimes with the swap magic b/c the people who make them have to use something called a "disk press" and its not burned traditionally so its harder to do
    Post by: the worm who ate midgar, Jul 12, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  4. the worm who ate midgar
    violence could be cencored

    in Xenosaga ep 3, Shion's mom was stabbed (repeatedly) while in a bed shion was covered in her blood and it was all over the place. they just cencored it and removed the blood. stuff in games are just textures in layers. you can just delete them.

    and I agree with Luxord93, CoM:Re isnt going to be released stateside
    Post by: the worm who ate midgar, Jul 11, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  5. the worm who ate midgar

    you have the exact same swap magic i have.

    the black lines are supposed to be their, they are what stop the disk drive from spinning so you can swap the games. the reason (i think) your ps2 isnt loading it is b/c of exactly what you said, its old. you need to adjust the lens' angle on your ps2. thats what i did with mine and now i almost never get disk read errors. (except with my damn action replay.

    to adjust the lens' angle you have to open up the ps2. if you have no problems with that then this is how you do it. and if you mess up your ps2 i hold no responsibility

    after taking the top off of your ps2, theirs a large black plate over the disk tray, remove it (it will either have screws or magnets) on the underside of the plate, their is a white round piece with a small magnet in the center, pop that out by pushing it to one side then pulling on the other side (hope that made sense)

    DO NOT LOSE this white piece, its essintal to playing games.

    once you have done all that, plug the power back into your ps2. eject the disk tray,and when its all the way out, turn off the ps2 (from the back) and unplug it.

    near the back is a white cog, if you turn it it adjust the lens' angle, i suggest you make a mark at its original location with a sharpe or something, then turn it 2 or 3 notches and then test a game. to test a game, plug the ps2 up (leave the top off and everything, and then put a game in the tray a place the round white piece on top of the game. then turn the ps2 on like normal.

    if the games and everything load fine (test out a few games, your swap magic and mabey some dvds and ps1 games) then your can put everything back together or leave it as is (i left the top off of mine so i dont have to use the slide tool to use the swap magic, i just take of the white piece and switch games).

    theirs a more detailed guide at:

    no its not, but its alot easier than the slide tool, which can mess up your disk tray, but. you have to remove the top of your ps2 anyway to put the flip top on, so you could just leave the top off and do what i told 'Lloyd' and use the little white piece on the underside of the disk tray cover. it is easier than a flip top, and i hear alot of people have trouble getting the flip top to fit right

    ill post a picture of what i mean once I get home

    just a note, it is legal to download games, as long as

    1. you don't sell them, and
    2. you already own/have owned the game and want to make a backup.
    3. or you delete the game from your computer/throw away the copy after 24 hours
    4. if you order it online, you can download and play it while its being shipped, legally

    dont quote me on this, but, i dont think that imports are coverd under the same copyright laws as US games, if not then its probobly legal to keep them longer than 24 hours.

    but regardless, its not like someone is going to come knock on your door and ask you how long you have had a burned/backed up game.

    if you want more info or help feel free to pm me, or if its about swap magic, i guess you could just ask in this topic
    Post by: the worm who ate midgar, Jul 11, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  6. the worm who ate midgar
    i never noticed that, i would imagin that its a valcano b/c destiny islands is a chain of islands. kinda like hawaii
    Post by: the worm who ate midgar, Jul 10, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  7. the worm who ate midgar
    google is your friend

    theirs a "where to buy" section on the official website

    yeh, i got my swap magic off of ebay for 10 bucks. but its an older version (i don't think 3.6 was out when i got mine) so i cant just play imports, i have to copy them first, but thats not a problem for me.

    if you have a slim ps2 make sure you get the "Magic Switch" not the slide tool.

    be warned, if your too rough with the slide tool it can **** up your disk tray, mine doesn't open correctly without a lot of help now. but to make swapping easier (i have to change disk really fast to play ps1 copies/imports) so i took the top off of my ps2. it works very well and saves me alot of hassle when playing backups/imports. plus it just looks cool to watch the disk spin.

    over all swap magic is a good choice. 25 isnt too much money, if you know how to burn games. it will save you alot of money in the long run.

    i wouldn't pay 100 bucks for swap magic and final mix, thats a rip off imo, the most the 2 new would cost together would be about $75-$85. just buy swap magic. and either download final mix. or buy it from playasia for like $60 or something
    Post by: the worm who ate midgar, Jul 10, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  8. the worm who ate midgar
    video games (and dvds) have regions,


    the US is on NTSC(USA), so a US ps2 cant play games from any other region. and because final mix is japan exclusive, so if it was sold in the US, you wouldn't be able to play it unless you moded your US ps2 or bought a Japaneses one.

    handhelds (game boy, DS, psp) don't have regions. you can play Japaneses games on a US DS with no problem
    Post by: the worm who ate midgar, Jul 5, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  9. the worm who ate midgar
    i only own 3 cd's, so all of my music is mp3s.

    this is a just the music on my desktop, not my laptop or Ipod but somthing like
    913 songs. but I have more on my other computer, that I really need to fix..............
    Post by: the worm who ate midgar, Apr 15, 2007 in forum: Music
  10. the worm who ate midgar
    I would like to know too. and dose anyone know if Carb has a site or something?
    Post by: the worm who ate midgar, Apr 15, 2007 in forum: Music
  11. the worm who ate midgar
    my girlfriend listions to them alot, i havent really listioned to alot of them, but what i did hear i liked. Ill have to check them out
    Post by: the worm who ate midgar, Apr 15, 2007 in forum: Music
  12. the worm who ate midgar
    try this, it should be

    Square + X + R1+R2+L1+L2 to raise def
    Triangle + O + R1+R2+L1+L2 to lower def

    Post by: the worm who ate midgar, Apr 5, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  13. the worm who ate midgar
    I tested the code, and flip the on and off triggers,

    Square + X + R1+R2+L1+L2 to activate

    but you cant, unactivate it unforunetly, unless thier is a code to lower def, then I could make that the second tigger
    Post by: the worm who ate midgar, Apr 5, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  14. the worm who ate midgar
    E00230FF 0035B55C
    0033FECB 000000C8
    E002C0FF 0035B55C
    0033FECB 000000C8

    I think thats it,
    Triangle + O + R1+R2+L1+L2 to activate waliking into a new screen.
    Square + X + R1+R2+L1+L2 to disable when walking into a new screen.

    and the ARM version


    let me know if that works, my AR is being stupid and wont load

    EDIT: i got it loaded and im testing it now
    Post by: the worm who ate midgar, Apr 5, 2007 in forum: Code Vault