Recent Content by the-melodious-schemer

  1. the-melodious-schemer
    I like Kairi.

    I don't find her at all annoying but I'm not far enough in the game to say whether she's useless at fighting or not and I haven't played the first game.

    I do however think she's a good character, she has a cool personality and she isn't a major prep like a lot of people portray her in fanfics.
    Post by: the-melodious-schemer, May 7, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  2. the-melodious-schemer
    How can they be friends?

    Well as I've seen people say and have read many times that the nobody's fake emotions, it would make it easier for them to survive right? So you could say that their friendship was fake.

    I also believe that Roxas has half a heart. Therefore he could have felt some sort of emotion- anger, happiness, sadness etc. Axel may have been piggybacking of those emotions however I believe he may have actually began to feel something after a while. I mean Roxas was in the organization for nearly a year but the emotions probably didn't creep up on him until near the end of his "life".

    Umm I actually think there's more but I can't think of it right now.
    Post by: the-melodious-schemer, Apr 15, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  3. the-melodious-schemer
    Ha ha all my favorite kingdom hearts character's are organization members funnily enough.

    I like in no particular order Axel, Roxas, Demyx and Zexion.
    Post by: the-melodious-schemer, Mar 21, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  4. the-melodious-schemer
    I prefer Roxas.

    Sora is just too bright, nice and selfless for my liking. He just doesn't seem real enough while Roxas has life and he's just cool.
    Post by: the-melodious-schemer, Mar 21, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  5. the-melodious-schemer
    I never really had one.

    I did however believe after a nightmare that a cigarette monster lived in a mound of dirt in my backyard when no one in my family smoked at all. I don't know why I had that dream but after that I believed there was a monster in the garden.

    Now that half of the garden has been built over for the extension so no worries for me anymore.
    Post by: the-melodious-schemer, Mar 16, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. the-melodious-schemer
    Ha ha thanks guys.

    Yay for fellow AkuRoku and Zemyx supporters. We should make a family for one of the couples or something. Preferably AkuRoku ^^;.

    Mmmmm brownie *scoffs it*.
    Post by: the-melodious-schemer, Mar 12, 2008 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  7. the-melodious-schemer
    Yeah I do feel sorry for him. The poor guy was just a clone, a mere copy of Riku though he wanted to be the original. He was fighting for something he would never get.

    Plus he was one of the many fooled by Axel, tricked into killing Zexion. When Zexion died it didn't help him.

    Plus he really wanted to protect Namine and he couldn't.

    Poor Repliku.
    Post by: the-melodious-schemer, Mar 12, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  8. the-melodious-schemer
    Zexion is my favourite but I like Lexaeus too.

    Zexion was smart, he knew how to get too Riku with his illusions even though Riku saw through them in the end. Plus he's just cool.
    Post by: the-melodious-schemer, Mar 12, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  9. the-melodious-schemer
    Don't get me wrong I can sympathize with him unlike what my last past may suggest. Yes I think one of the reasons he did the kamikaze attack was for Roxas as it was obvious that Roxas was going to return to Sora and in the end it was what he wanted so Axel pretty much had to save Sora is Roxas was going to be "happy".

    Between Roxas being gone and not having a heart he didn't see any point in living his "life" but yeah as I said it wasn't a noble death.

    You're right his death was questionable.
    Post by: the-melodious-schemer, Mar 12, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  10. the-melodious-schemer
    Yes and no.

    Some of the organization did deserve to die. They were truly evil and what they were doing is wrong but not all of them were.

    Xemnas was strict, you do something against the organization and your dead, it's the same with leaving. If they hadn't done as ordered or tried to leave they would have been killed. They may not have had hearts but none of them wanted to die.

    So yes Sora killing some of the organization members is justified but it wasn't right to kill all of them.

    Truthfully I think that Xemnas was using the member's yearning for hearts to get them to help him with whatever plan he had for kingdom hearts.
    Post by: the-melodious-schemer, Mar 11, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  11. the-melodious-schemer
    Axel died because he idiotically performed a kamikaze attack to help Sora.

    I'm sorry but sacrifice makes it sound too noble. Axel only did it as he had nothing to "live" for. If helping Sora had meant killing himself when he had something to "live" for he wouldn't have done it. Axel only helps people if it's worth it too him. He's not at all noble but I suppose you can understand, he has a yearning to stay "alive"...well until his end of course ^^;.

    Ah well he didn't even really die according to that report.

    Errr please don't get upset over my views.
    Post by: the-melodious-schemer, Mar 11, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  12. the-melodious-schemer
    Pairings that confuse me well first of all I'll say the odd pairing I for some reason support-

    Sora x Ariel-It's seriously a what the heck pairing. It's still seems cute though.

    Now there are a lot of odd pairings but only a few stick out to me. Some I can see where people are coming from (Roxas x Namine for an example or even Marluxia x Namine-Stockholm syndrome anyone?)

    Roxas x Sora/Kairi x Namine-Wouldn't that be vanity? Sora and Roxas are the same person and it's the same with Kairi x Namine. Sure it might work in an alternate universe but I don't see how that would work. Kairi and Namine would get along fine as friends but I can't see them wanting anything more and Sora would end up annoying Roxas half the time. It seriously wouldn't work.

    Axel x Larxene-Maybe a one sided relationship on Larxene's side as she seems to flirt with him but it's obvious Axel doesn't like her back. The pairing just wouldn't work, especially with Larxene and Axel's tempers.

    Riku x Sora-C'mon they're just friends. It's pretty obvious that Sora likes Kairi and I don't think either Sora or Riku are gay.

    There are a lot of random ones but I can't be bothered to list them lol.

    Oh and guys who don't understand AkuRoku. I could explain why people support it and point out many a hint and give a hardy explanation but I won't in this thread. If ya want one message me.
    Post by: the-melodious-schemer, Mar 11, 2008 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  13. the-melodious-schemer
    So true. They're opposite in some ways and in others similar. Zexion is quiet but obviously fine with any missions he gets unless they involve any physical work or chores. He gets others to do those jobs for him. He also doesn't seem to bothered about traitors unlike Demyx who despises them. Demyx seems more happy go lucky but a little unconfident.

    Their personalities could bring them together,.
  14. the-melodious-schemer
    I personally find nothing wrong with the manga. The amount of humor is refreshing from the game plus any stupidity makes it similar to how cracked the fandom can be.

    Yes it's different from the game but it does still follow the story line which is all it needed to do.
    Post by: the-melodious-schemer, Feb 28, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  15. the-melodious-schemer
    Bella Notte from Lady and the Tramp. It's the song the restaurant guy sings ^^.

    See if you guy's can guess this one, it's from a not too well known film.

    Stories and stories
    'Bout mermaids, kings
    And sunken treasure
    Magic worlds where the impossible
    Becomes the everyday
    Post by: the-melodious-schemer, Feb 27, 2008 in forum: Disney Galaxy