Recent Content by The Fifth Element

  1. The Fifth Element


    Well I've been here for a long time now, and I think I've seen all I want to. The site has changed...a lot...for better or worse, I'll let you all decide for yourself. I don't feel the same here anymore. Most of the people I used to know have gone and I feel strange with all of these new people here now. I suppose I just like the way things were back then too much to adapt. I hate to say goodbye but I think its time for me to move on. So if I see you in the real world, good, and if not then goodbye and good luck to all of you!
    Thread by: The Fifth Element, Sep 6, 2009, 4 replies, in forum: Departure Hall
  2. The Fifth Element
    Okay so my kitten thought it would be just sooooo funny to jump up on my keyboard while I was typing, pop the enter key out of place, and spell this:
    Thread by: The Fifth Element, Jun 28, 2009, 12 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. The Fifth Element
    Pst I get the cool one
    Post by: The Fifth Element, Jun 17, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. The Fifth Element
    ooc: fixed my profile

    Zaliix settled herself in the meeting room quietly, hood up, trying desperately not to draw attention. She sat with one foot in the chair and her arm draped over her knee. If I could feel right now.....I might be bored... She contemplated that for a moment longer but seeing as it was irrelevant to the situation at hand, let it fade from her mind. However unoccupied she was, her eyes could not keep from straying to the other members in the room. The were an odd group of people. She had quietly observed them, choosing not to interact because she had the social skills of a tree, and found that they still seemed to act on memories of emotion. They acted angry or hurt or whatever their subconscious deemed necessary for the situation. Zaliix found that very strange and made a note to observe more extensively.
    Post by: The Fifth Element, Jun 16, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. The Fifth Element
    Username: The Fifth Element

    Character name: Zaliix

    Age: 18

    Number: 13

    Appearance: Zaliix has short spikey silver hair with black streaks in it. She wears black bondage pants with a white tank top with a black skull on it. She wears combat boots with metal tips. Always can be seen with a studded belt, bracelets and maybe a dog collar on.

    Ability/Element: metal

    Weapon: a sickle and chain

    Bio: Can remember only a few things from her real life such as a larger fire and someone screaming something at her.

    Personality: Quiet but has a large temper, always goes for the kill

    Text color: This color "Silver"

    suddenly bananas and transformers
    Post by: The Fifth Element, Jun 15, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. The Fifth Element
  7. The Fifth Element
  8. The Fifth Element

    Load of Crap

    Well since I haven't and unfortunately probably never will meet you all in real life I feel that I can talk about things here that I can't in the real world.

    First off, there must be something in the water because in the past 6 months, 10 or so people have died in my family. It wasn't them dying that stressed me out, not really anyway. It was my mom. She handles the deaths by dumping it all on me. Now I know its because of the whole "you treat your closest friends and family worse than strangers" but I'm sick of it.

    Then we have my lovely history professor, who is an old, cranky sadist. She absolutely hates me. And I know this because she assigned about 15 reports due in one week. Now normally this is supposed to be a group project but no she stuck me by myself. Then she complains in the hallways about how "rebellious" and "defiant" I am.

    And ooh lucky me, there's more. Lately I haven't been getting any kind of sleep.None.At all. Now this probably wouldn't have bothered me if it was just on the week days but no. I slept for 14 hours straight and I felt like I had slept 2 hours. And its starting to freak me out.

    Lately I've started hearing things in my head.Voices. I can ignore them but they tell me to do awful things like kill people and burn down buildings. I also get horrible mental pictures of people's bodies being mangled and killed. The voices get louder and worse the angrier I get, which is pretty anger most of the time. I carry a rubber band and snap it on my wrist every time I get angry. I have to hide the bruises from me snapping it so much.

    Also I've come to realize that I'm bi. Now this is hard enough to bear(as everyone who is bi knows) but I have to sit through church and my parents saying how I am an abomination from Hell because I think some girls are cute. Not to mention my friends hate gays and bi people.

    All of this is really hard to deal with, not to mention this will be my freshman year of high school. So I've got to get my grades straight and ready to go.

    I'm so f*cking stressed and I'm not sure how much longer until I snap.
    Thread by: The Fifth Element, Apr 25, 2009, 3 replies, in forum: Help with Life
  9. The Fifth Element
    Wow that was really good. I like how you were really descriptive and all. You really captured the creepy meloncholy of the scene and I could feel it. Excellent work, please continue!!!
    Post by: The Fifth Element, Mar 16, 2009 in forum: Archives
  10. The Fifth Element
    A little vague...uh I dunno, I suppose it depends on what animal it is. I mean if we're talking about dogs then no, but other animals.....depends.
    Post by: The Fifth Element, Mar 16, 2009 in forum: Debate Corner
  11. The Fifth Element

    Lord Death

    He looked slightly hurt but let the expression fade into indifference. He shrugged his shoulders and held out his hand for her.

    "You will come with me, it is your time. Believe be I do not want this. But it isn't up to me. You have until tomorrow at sundown to gather your affairs. But then I will come for you."
    Post by: The Fifth Element, Feb 15, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. The Fifth Element

    Lord Death

    A pained expression flew across his guarded face.

    "Mademoiselle, I hope you don't think I enjoy this but it is your time. If you don't mind me saying, you are very pretty. This is the kind of woman I would have as my wife," he said aloud, musing to himself.
    Post by: The Fifth Element, Feb 13, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home