Recent Content by Superjesse3

  1. Superjesse3
    I'll try to =P
    Post by: Superjesse3, Jun 29, 2009 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  2. Superjesse3
    thanks. =P
    Post by: Superjesse3, Jun 29, 2009 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  3. Superjesse3
    i plan to =P hopeing to find a quiz here to stump her on. She thinks KH2 was Chain of Memories when it first came out XP we argued about it for a few days and she finally gave in and agreed with me.
    Post by: Superjesse3, Jun 29, 2009 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  4. Superjesse3
    Thanks for the welcomes =P glad to know there are people who care for newbies. Also, thanks for letting me join. I mean, me, my girlfriend, and my girlfriends mother are total Kingdom Hearts freaks. (Her mother thinks she knows more than i do about Kingdom Hearts.)

    Yea, i know most rules. unfortunately i got banned from one of my forums for argueing with the Admin and creator about a post. I have been trying to correct myself since on many different occasions =P
    Post by: Superjesse3, Jun 29, 2009 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  5. Superjesse3

    Hey, new here

    Hey, my names Jess. I usually go by Superjesse3 (username). I have gone as the RP name Delgamor Draco quite a few times. I also roleplay in KH forums, Eureka Seven forums, Code Lyoko forums, and OC forums. I like to make friends and watch AMVs... Saw quite a few AMVs with this site in the info so i decided, "Hey, why not?" So here i am =P hope to meet you all soon and i hope to be friends. if not then oh well, friends come and go, true friends stick beside ya when ya need em most =P. Also i do =P alot so dont worry when i do that.
    Thread by: Superjesse3, Jun 29, 2009, 13 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures