here room of sleep D034D45C 0000FDFF 2032BAE0 00001B04 Station of Awakening E001FDFF 0034D45C 1032BAE0 00001512 AR MAx room of sleep BC17-C1YG-TJVUD YK7H-ZWGV-20HBU W63A-TZXK-W8CW1 Station of Awakening E9AW-H1BK-AGQ8W YK7H-ZWGV-20HBU TNJ0-NV5V-ET2UZ
is there a code so i can play as roxas, and drive to dw roxas, and back?
warp to Sephirot battle E002FDFF 0034D45C 2032BAE0 00000104 2032BAE8 00000016 P7N5-6DAG-A6236 13M9-82KJ-E3CQU KHAK-UH64-ZNTAT ZCC9-K7GF-HVWG0
when your a figth xemnes in the last battle and you play as riku. then riku can use a magic like a blak fire bold or somthing, is there a code so i can use that magic. sorry my bad English
no prolem is there any Replaces code with the boss or partner you should just pm me
is there a code to unlock all theater
Axel boss (Donald Twilight Town, 1. Battle) 11CE0B6C 000008B5 BV1K-G1WG-YWKDA D78P-RYFG-ZB36N (Goofy Twilight Town, 1. Battle) 11C6CC22...
no problem
axel boss or friend
One-Winged Angel (Sephiroth Battle Music) as BGM 10347D34 000000BC 10347D44 000000BC D8JC-AWDR-TBG9Z WWDY-18BT-NDAV2 R3RZ-ZR2W-FDVFZ Sephiroth Replaces Donald 11CE0B6C 000008B6 30XY-JNYD-BX32Q R51K-RP6B-TCMKM Sephiroth Replaces Goofy 11C6CC22 000008B6 Y9M2-M0VU-BJ9T5 Y353-UMRJ-Q6CHG I'm not sure if they work
is there some who have the xemnes final battle warp code
is there a code so I can switch the anti-form with shadow Roxas