Recent Content by Sorikai

  1. Sorikai
    Profile Post Comment

    I miss you too u.u

    I miss you too u.u
    Profile Post Comment by Sorikai, Aug 1, 2015
  2. Sorikai
    Well, it's about a girl who dreams of becoming an angel, basically (and the good part is - for me at least - is that it doesn't ever mention anything religious about angels), and I have this freakish obsession with anything with wings so... yeah lol may just be my opinion, but it is a really nice story on the whole anyway.
    Post by: Sorikai, May 28, 2009 in forum: Literature
  3. Sorikai
    I'm sitting in a room made up of only big white walls and in the halls there are people looking through...

    lol sry bout that, Kairi girl 92's location made me burst out into song hehe...

    but now that u mention it... yeah, I'm gonna go with either Fences - Paramore (my fav band btw :D) or
    Me against the world - Simple Plan

    There's probably others, but I'm 2 tired and irritated to think right now
    Post by: Sorikai, Jul 24, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Sorikai
    Just a new story I made (sry, no Kh... unless u count Aero, who LOOKS like Sora). This one is my fav that I eva made, that for sure. Sry, but I won't b letting ppl sign up to this one right now, but I MIGHT in the future. I'll post chap 1 in a few mins. For now, here's the Prologue, where u'll meet the Angels (if ya read it 'o 'course lol)

    Ok, so here’s the deal, before I continue any further: I’m not supposed to be telling anyone any of this, to be honest, so please, for my sake and yours, keep this quiet.

    Right, now that’s clear, time to meet The Black Angels, I guess. There’s six of us:

    Me (Max), I’m fourteen and live in a house that looks like a castle with the other Angels. What can I say about me? I can be a little impatient sometimes, I care about the other Angels a lot (in other words, hurt them, and you’ll have to deal with me), and sometimes I tend to forget about homework a lot, so Aero has to constantly remind me about it.

    Aero, my best friend and paired partner from The Black Angels (don’t know what that means yet? Don’t worry, you’ll catch on quick, I’m sure), he’s fourteen too. Hmm… How to describe Aero? Well, he’s one of the more responsible Angels, he’s really nice to everyone, loves to go flying in the mornings (what, weren’t expecting us to be able to fly? Why did you think we were called The Black Angels?), and, a special mention for all Kingdom Hearts fans out there, he looks a lot like Sora, only he has silver spiky hair and silver eyes.

    Krystal, our night light (no, I mean literally. You’ll see), she’s fourteen too. Krystal is one of the trouble makers out of all of us, but that doesn’t necessarily mean she’s mean, on the contrary she’s the exact opposite. She likes everyone except, of course, those who harm us. Oh, and go near her paired partner, Rudolph, and look out.

    Rudolph is the youngest and, wait for it, a Vampire not a reindeer with a glowing red nose (people tend to pick on him because of his name). He’s nine, so as most nine-year old boys are, he’s always getting in trouble at school, and at home. Along with his paired partner, Krystal, we get a handful of trouble everyday.

    Oz is one of the oldest Angels n the group, but that does not mean he’s the leader, got that? (‘cause I’m the leader! Got it memorized?) He’s sixteen and Marina’s paired partner. He doesn’t talk all that much and is an absolute nightmare to get up mornings, and when he gets one of the others up, he makes us jump a mile because he looks more like a vampire than Rudolph does even, if that’s possible. But no, he’s not a vampire, but he is a Werewolf though, which makes him kind of hard to deal with on a full moon, as you may imagine.

    Marina is the oldest and Oz’s paired partner. She’s seventeen, but that doesn’t make her any better at behaving than Rudolph and Krystal! Which can sometimes get on my nerves, because I think that the eldest out of us should be a better role model for the younger ones. Apart from that, she’s so good at making us all laugh when we’re down, that her childish behavior doesn’t really bother any of us that much. Right so, special thing about Marina apart from her wings, of course would be she can heal anyone except herself, which can be helpful sometimes. Oh, and she can see in the dark.

    Right, so that’s us. The Black Angels. Just in case you hadn’t cottoned on yet, we have wings. Black, dark, spooky ones to be precise, but that’s not exactly why we’re called The Black Angels (besides, Krystal’s wings are actually a pure white color). We’re called that because we are angels, in a way, but we all like dark stuff (even Krystal, despite the fact that she glows white), you know, Satan heavy metal rock (Iron Maiden for eva!!!!), we write spooky songs most of the times, we love scaring the heck out of people, we love spooky stories about Werewolfs and Vampires (Oz and Rudolph’s choice as you may have guessed) … That kind of stuff. Not too bad, because of Rudolph, but just dark enough.

    Well, I guess that’s enough about us now, because if I say anymore, I’ll spoil the story (which I am very good at, may I just say). So, see you on the other side! Oh gees, you’re saying I just dreamt an entire intro? Oh brother, I have got to lay off the Maximum Ride books for a while…

    So, there ya go. That's the black angels, now I guess I should get some of the chaps I've finished up here!!! but first, I wanna no wot u think. In other words: more responce, more chaps. I no that sounds selfish of me, but I think it sounds fair. U like, I give. I g2g now, so I MIGHT post chap 1 2morrow. Adios amigos!!! *falls asleep at computer desk*
    Thread by: Sorikai, Jul 8, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: Archives
  5. Sorikai
    I was just wondering... (200th post!!!)
    Thread by: Sorikai, Jul 3, 2008, 3 replies, in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  6. Sorikai
    Wots da best thing that's ever happened 2 u??? I think mine must b the busted concert I went 2... how bout u??? (I no I'm lazy, but feel free to actually say a bit about it)
    Thread by: Sorikai, Jul 3, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Sorikai
    hmm... Krystal Tears - The Black Angels
    Post by: Sorikai, Jun 27, 2008 in forum: Music
  8. Sorikai I the only one that hasn't seen MCR yet??? doubt I eva will either... my list?? I've only (intentionally) seen Busted. But V and McFly were at the concert 2, so I got 2 c them as well LUCKY!!! :D
    Post by: Sorikai, Jun 27, 2008 in forum: Music
  9. Sorikai
    I no it's tough, but I gotta ask. Gerard from MCR or Jared from 30 stm??? (I can't decide tbh)
    Thread by: Sorikai, Jun 27, 2008, 37 replies, in forum: Music
  10. Sorikai
    umm.... well, Busted r always gonna b my fav band no matter wot (still don't care if they're not 2gether). But there r others...

    In order of fav

    Paramore (cuz I think Hayley's just so awesome)

    McFly ( comment, I just like some of their songs...and Danny :D)

    Roxette (just.plain.legends)

    Nickelback (I am yet 2 find a song of theirs that I don't like)

    30 Seconds To Mars (just... amazing band. Luv all their songs)

    Scooter (lol I rly just like 3 songs but I still think they're good)

    Avril Lavigne (*shrugs* I think she's cool :))

    Utada Hikaru (I want her voice soooo bad!!!!)

    My Chemicle Romance (I told myself I wasn't gonna put this here, but ah well. I think Gerard is a scary guy tbh lol so I kinda look away when they come on and just sit there and listen)

    Evanescence (need I say more?)

    Within Temptation (she has an amazing voice)

    Blackmore's Night (I no, I no, how medieval of me lol Come on, they're pretty good)

    Simple Plan (I luv Me Against The World, I sing it at my mum some times lol)

    Basshunter (I rly just like Now ur gone cuz I don't no any others lol)

    Son Of Dork (cuz James is in it. or, better said, WAS in it)

    Iron Maiden (hehe, my dad got me into this kinda thing)

    Umm... can't think of anymore right now... I might remember some more and post 'em l8er lol
    Post by: Sorikai, Jun 23, 2008 in forum: Music
  11. Sorikai
    I have imaginary but apart from that... nope, haven't got it lol oh, and I have my immortal 2.
    Post by: Sorikai, Jun 23, 2008 in forum: Music