so it be like wathing tv and the dude on tv watching tv and the dude on his tv watching tv, if so thats awesome, if not explain to me like ur exlaining it to a 4-year old.
becuasethe games alredy desinded to have him as an ally in TWTNW
and it dosent frezze when you play as him becuase the game is alredy designed to do that to like when you fight xemnas for the 2 time
i wouldnt consider that spam since hes replying to a reply to a reply to a reply like im doing
*snaps fingers in a diagnoal line by face*"booyeah!"*walks away*
by the way im lookin for a cheat that gives goofy two sheilds
'cuz that be AWEEEE SOME!
becuase the game wasnt desingd to have any playable chareters with those weapons..duh.. thats why you can only give slot 2 & 3 charters differnt chareters weapons
(I.E. mickey with xaldins lances)