Last Activity:
Mar 31, 2012
Jan 18, 2011
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Following 2

Oct 24, 1991 (Age: 33)
Pokemon Master


Destiny Islands Resident, 33, from Yuugislavia

smeen was last seen:
Mar 31, 2012
    1. XIII-roxas
      Hey, Smeen, Eens told me something was up. You okay?
    2. Kaidron Blaze
      Kaidron Blaze
      lol you didn't fail it just means your indevidual
    3. XIII-roxas
      That, or too many everything-that-is-and-ever-will-be-sugar balls.
      I went on last night, it was quieter than a ghost town. Not even P was there. Not only was farming that absolute pain of an armour annoying, but having no one to talk to while I farm? Very boring.
      How are you?
    4. Kaidron Blaze
      Kaidron Blaze
      lol I can use that though I have to say it's the oddest looking keyblade I've seen
    5. XIII-roxas
      Hai :D
      I think my brain might've died. Any idea why?
    6. Kaidron Blaze
      Kaidron Blaze
      well send it over when it's done I wanna look
    7. Kaidron Blaze
      Kaidron Blaze
      hello where you able to upload your keyblade?
    8. P
      It makes her difficult to endear to fans though. After all, the fans are fond of their Kagamine. To try to share that limelight is bound for failure, unless a signature song appears.
    9. P
      Hey this is actually a pretty good Lily song. Not a crown jewel, but good.

      She reminds me of the Kagamine twins. It seems as though she's a more mature Kagamine. According to a friend I told about her, most Kagamine songs have been redone for her, including some Len solos.
    10. Kaidron Blaze
      Kaidron Blaze
      I'll tell you what I need after I see your great keyblade (cos if your sister's anything to go by yours will be great too!)
    11. eentje
      I showed you it dummy...
    12. P
      I should probably look it up one of these days, but I'll forget to.

      Vocaloid English is rather different to native English though, which is slightly odd. For example, I didn't realise all of Wash My Blood was in English until I read the lyrics.
    13. P
      Does the voice-donor need to speak the language for it to work? If it's just syllable based, it should work normally, shouldn't it?
    14. eentje
      I made an Entry for Gabi!
    15. P
      Meiko needs an update.

      English Miku will be a nightmare. Even more bad Youtube videos of her singing stuff. Ah well. It'll be amusing hearing her rickroll people.
    16. Kaidron Blaze
      Kaidron Blaze
      lol I would enjoy that lol I loved drawing everyones keyblades
    17. P
      To Vocaloid 2?

      Watch as he goes completely ignored again. Or something like that.

      Meiko seems fairly underrated. I don't know much by her.
    18. Kaidron Blaze
      Kaidron Blaze
      ahhh thats soooo sweet lol I got a pic of it on my album... If you want I can do one of your keyblades lol I have one page left in my book
    19. Kaidron Blaze
      Kaidron Blaze
      lol your are your sister's sister all right lol. Have you seen the image of your sister's keyblade I drew for her?
    20. Kaidron Blaze
      Kaidron Blaze
      lol sorry got side-tracked by the banana... I'm awaiting company as in some of my friends to pop up on the site lol
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  • About

    Oct 24, 1991 (Age: 33)
    Pokemon Master
    When a man and a woman love each other...

    it's unhealthy and called gaming




    smeen's Vocaloid spam of the week: CLICK Updated every Wednesday.

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