Recent Content by silverstrings

  1. silverstrings
    asdklj. Man. <33 I'm especially looking forward to Birth by Sleep (Terra looks... so much like younger CC-Zack. >>;; and I don't see Aqua in many of the scans. :( ), and the Roxas game. Getting to play as ALL THE ORG MEMBERS? That is made of so much win~~

    Thankfully it'll probably be awhile before the games are released, 'cause I now need to save up for a PSP and a DS. DX
    Post by: silverstrings, Sep 26, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  2. silverstrings
    Oh man. I was wavering on getting a PSP because of Crisis Core, though if the next KH is going to be on it, too, I might just shell out the money. :/
    Post by: silverstrings, Sep 17, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  3. silverstrings
    That first video was FANTASTIC (HOORAY for cutting out subtitles for once!). Congrats to the number one winner especially, as well as all the others. <3
    Post by: silverstrings, May 29, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  4. silverstrings
    Hm. The first one doesn't impress me much from an editor's POV. Too many flashy effects. While I don't mind the Linkin Park AMVs as much as a lot of other people do (mind, I don't care for them, but I don't despise them), it's not a very original choice of music as they've been done to death. And having TWO of them in the top five, and having one in the top five every week, I can see where people get a little annoyed. Though keeping in mind it's DS's picks and not ours... ;)

    'Say Goodbye' is probably my favorite. Nostalgic, pretty simple, original music choice and actually makes you feel a little as opposed to where I'm feeling like I'm having to struggle to keep up with the other AMVs.

    At any rate, congrats to the winners~

    (I vote that we have a week/contest/something for non-subtitled-AMVs only >.< Really, people. Download VirtualDub. It's free and you can get out your subtitles! It's extra work, but it makes your AMVs SO much better!)
    Post by: silverstrings, May 8, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  5. silverstrings

    It's PLENTY big. Click on the pic and it'll open in another window, then click on it again and it'll give you a huge scan of it.
    Post by: silverstrings, May 3, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  6. silverstrings
    As always, everyone's complaining about the choice of winners. ^^; You guys do realize that this is Deathspank's choices and not YOURS. Let him choose what he wants, geez.

    I'm rather fond of #1 for a change. o.o Love the song-choice. ROFL at the Org XIII tribute. Luxord's music in particular had me cracking up. XD Also, no subtitles? THANK. GOD. That right there makes it awesome in my eyes. I wish more AMVers would take the time to do that. ;_;

    As always, congrats to all the winners~
    Post by: silverstrings, Apr 30, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  7. silverstrings
    Congrats to the winners~

    Vegas, huh? That's a program I hadn't heard of. o.o I use Adobe Premiere myself (along with some programs to convert the .wmvs from the site into .avis so they load properly/play back properly and all that) simply because it allows more precision that WMM ever could, and I can clip out the subtitles. Maybe I'll check out Vegas and see if I like it better or not.

    But as someone else (I think) was trying to get at, everyone's interpretation of what "fits" for an AMV is going to be vastly different. I don't think you have a right to say "that song doesn't fit" because, er, well, the lyrics match up well enough and the creator's got it following the beat well. Just because you think it 'makes your ears bleed' is personal opinion. I think you're the only one that's posted here so far that's complained. ^^;

    On the other end of the spectrum, I'm just tired of Linkin Park AMVs simply because there are so many of them these days. Looking on feels like a waste of time anymore because all the songs are either Linkin Park, Evanescence, that 'My Heart Will Go On' song or 'Gravity of Love' and it gets dull. I'd prefer to see more original choices in music.

    That being said, I DO like the two LP videos that won this week. Good job, guys~
    Post by: silverstrings, Apr 17, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  8. silverstrings
    I could be totally wrong, but at first I think they were using the game script and then after a few scenes, found a translator for them... though the translation's been really off in a lot of parts. ^^; (e.g. when Repliku is leaving in Sora's side of the story, Sora says "aitsu..." and they subbed it as "goodbye..." o.o I mean, I don't speak Japanese much at ALL, but I'm still noticing things that don't look/sound right with what's being said). ... but uh, to answer your question, no I don't think they're still pulling directly from the game script. XD
    Post by: silverstrings, Apr 14, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  9. silverstrings
    Not sure about that first one. :/ Too many special transitions that weren't necessary and if they went through all that trouble for effects, they should've cropped out the subtitles.

    Really like 2, 3 and 4, though.

    Congrats to all five winners.
    Post by: silverstrings, Apr 10, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  10. silverstrings
    It honestly looks to be JUST the armor of the soldier to me. As in, no one INSIDE the armor, just the pieces.

    1. They're working on it~ Their translator's just busy at the moment so once he/she has the time, they'll get the R/R clips up.
    2. ...Are they selling FM or FM+? 'Cause uh, that can't be legal if Re:CoM isn't in there since they're in the same box/set. o_O
    3. I would assume he has a Japanese voice, yes. Could be wrong though.

    He's not. The scene with Zexion in FM+ is a flashback, hence why they mention the new place (Castle Oblivion) being built and only having eleven members and Xigbar finding Marluxia as a new member. ("His new name was Mar-...something or other.")
    Post by: silverstrings, Apr 9, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  11. silverstrings
    Do a search for it on youtube. Someone has the clip uploaded there.
    Post by: silverstrings, Apr 8, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  12. silverstrings
    Wow, tons of vids... THANKS SO MUCH, DS (and everyone else involved/helping!) You guys are so fantastic. <3
    Post by: silverstrings, Apr 6, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  13. silverstrings
    *happy sigh~* It's always nice waking up first thing in the morning for work and seeing something new up~ Especially that Riku vs Roxas fight. Nice. <3 FM+ really is filling in a lot of tiny little holes that people were curious about before.
    Post by: silverstrings, Apr 4, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  14. silverstrings
    Augh~~ Marly~~ There he iiiiis. ;o; <3<3 Guh, I LOVE the petals that follow him everywhere, including falling out of his hood. XD I get this mental image of Larxene always having to sweep up after him.
    Post by: silverstrings, Apr 3, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  15. silverstrings
    Hooray, VEXEN! He actually looks like I'll have less problems with him in this game than I did in the original CoM. >.x I have issues with the WEIRDEST bosses (Ursula in KH 1, Vexen in CoM...)


    ...Vexen's laugh makes me giggle. <3<3

    Thanks so much, DS! I'm so excited about the next floor. ;o;
    Post by: silverstrings, Apr 1, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates