Recent Content by signerleo

  1. signerleo
  2. signerleo
  3. signerleo
    Profile Post

    ok thanks :)

    ok thanks :)
    Profile Post by signerleo for CrownMoksha, Jun 16, 2012
  4. signerleo
    itachilives741 ok your character list
    Dante age 25 male dark signer
    Lee age 15 male signer
    crow signer

    ok snow your character list
    Raven age 11 female dark signer
    leo signer

    master if keyblades your character list
    Zeek age 15 male signer
    Keel age 14 male dark signer
    Nick male age 13 signer

    characters still open are
    and mroe
    dark signers

    and rest are just characters you pick or ocs
    we can started now as soon every one is reday to start more can join when ever they wish to:)
    Post by: signerleo, Jun 16, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. signerleo
  6. signerleo
    Profile Post

    hello new friend:)

    hello new friend:)
    Profile Post by signerleo for CrownMoksha, Jun 14, 2012
  7. signerleo
    Profile Post

    ok thanks:)

    ok thanks:)
    Profile Post by signerleo for Itachilives, Jun 11, 2012
  8. signerleo
  9. signerleo
  10. signerleo
  11. signerleo
    ok il do that then thanks
    Status Update by signerleo, Jun 11, 2012
  12. signerleo
    The year is 2022...
    It was 1 year ago that Yusei beat Z-ONE and saved the world, but not everyone was happy that Z-ONE was defeated. A man in the shadows, who had seen the whole duel, went to work on fixing Z-ONE's machine. His work completed, the man said, "I will jump to the future and return with Dark Signers to create a new Yliaster!"

    Meanwhile, not much had changed for the Signers...
    Leo found himself a girlfriend named Ashley, and Luna had begun seeing Lester. Yusei, with the power of the Crimson Dragon, was able to rescue his friend Bruno from the death course; reuniting Team 5D's. Things couldn't be going better for them, in fact, Jack had just challenged Yusei to a rematch.

    "I'll make the first move, Yusei," said Jack.
    "Now hold on, you guys! You're going to have put the duel on hold," yelled Trudge, riding up next to them. "The Ghost is back and he has a message for you Signers! It seems he's not alone either - he's got that Jack doppelganger with him too!"
    "So what?", said Jack, cocky as ever, "we'll just beat those chumps again."
    "That's not all, Jack, it seems you're not the only one with a clone. There's one of Akiza that looks like the Black Rose Witch, one of Leo, Luna, Crow, Yusei, and even Ashley!" Trudge was having just as hard a time believing it as they were.

    "What? No way! How did the Ghost do that?," asked Leo.
    "Well, Leo," Trudge responded, "the Ghost was controlled by Primo before, so I bet he has something to do with it."
    Luna turned to Ashley, "He's right."

    Soon after, Leo duels the Ghost and wins. Yusei, Jack and Crow are able to beat their clones, however, Leo, Luna, Akiza and Ashley are defeated; forced into bed to recover.
    "Leo, Luna, Ashley, Akiza, you four are going to have to master Accel Synchro if you hope to defeat your clones. If you can't, you'll wind up defeated again, and this time, you might not make it back," said Yusei.
    "I hope Luna and the others will be ok," said Lester.
    "They will be fine," said Crow,"soon."

    The four recover and Luna, Akiza and Ashley manage to defeat their clones. Leo had begun to face off against his.
    "You cannot defeat me, you have yet to master Delta Accel Synchro. The same with those other fools, you can barely manage Accel Synchro! And even if you did manage to beat me, it's not like you can save the city, the master has Dark Signers and Yliaster on his side, and they're a lot stronger than the ones you fought before!"

    -In this RP, the Dark Signers have returned along with Yliaster. It wont be the same members you all know, but you may use any character from the show including the old Yliaster and Dark Signer members.

    Yusei - Stardust Dragon
    Jack - Red Dragon Archfiend
    Crow - Black-Winged Dragon
    Akiza - Black Rose Dragon
    Luna - Ancient Fairy Dragon
    Leo - Life Stream Dragon
    Ashley (OC) - Red Blizzard Dragon

    If you lose your duel with a Dark Signer, you can only be knocked out. I want to make it right so everyone can stilll use their character. You can get a rematch with a Dark Signer if you want to, but not right after losing.You have to wait a bit, first.
    You can use any cards from, the show or manga, and you can also use made up cards.

    The first Dark Signer is named Toby,
    the 2nd dark signer name is sayer
    and we need at least 2 or 3 female dark signers
    the other 8 have not been picked yet.
    Go ahead, join in, pick who you want play as and what Dark Signer you want to face.
    Your original characters can join too. They can either help the Signers, or side with the Dark Signers, it's up to you.

    This RP is rated PG - 13.

    Appearance: she his yellow hair she war red shirt black jacket red gloves black shorts red sandals
    Signer or Dark signer: she signer
    Type of deck:ice deck
    Special Card: red blizzard dragon
    home town New Domino City
    powers psychic powers
    o and if you like.,you can use dm gx charaters to.

    Signer or Dark signer
    Type of deck:
    Special Card:
    home town

    o burno aka big part in hleping ohters with Delta Accel Synchro. and hleping them have better contorl over accel synchro. and later.limt over accel snychro but that for,fianl battle with shadow man.who want be the shadow man lot me know and feel free to give him a name :)

    o one more thing. the signer that toby wants to face is leo. an sayer wants to face akiza.

    and guys hlep me out on iedas for ohter 8 dark signers
    Thread by: signerleo, Jun 10, 2012, 0 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  13. signerleo
    yugioh 5d return if dark signers and yliaster
    The year is 2022...
    It was 1 year ago that Yusei beat Z-ONE and saved the world, but not everyone was happy that Z-ONE was defeated. A man in the shadows, who had seen the whole duel, went to work on fixing Z-ONE's machine. His work completed, the man said, "I will jump to the future and return with Dark Signers to create a new Yliaster!"

    Meanwhile, not much had changed for the Signers...
    Leo found himself a girlfriend named Ashley, and Luna had begun seeing Lester. Yusei, with the power of the Crimson Dragon, was able to rescue his friend Bruno from the death course; reuniting Team 5D's. Things couldn't be going better for them, in fact, Jack had just challenged Yusei to a rematch.

    "I'll make the first move, Yusei," said Jack.
    "Now hold on, you guys! You're going to have put the duel on hold," yelled Trudge, riding up next to them. "The Ghost is back and he has a message for you Signers! It seems he's not alone either - he's got that Jack doppelganger with him too!"
    "So what?", said Jack, cocky as ever, "we'll just beat those chumps again."
    "That's not all, Jack, it seems you're not the only one with a clone. There's one of Akiza that looks like the Black Rose Witch, one of Leo, Luna, Crow, Yusei, and even Ashley!" Trudge was having just as hard a time believing it as they were.

    "What? No way! How did the Ghost do that?," asked Leo.
    "Well, Leo," Trudge responded, "the Ghost was controlled by Primo before, so I bet he has something to do with it."
    Luna turned to Ashley, "He's right."

    Soon after, Leo duels the Ghost and wins. Yusei, Jack and Crow are able to beat their clones, however, Leo, Luna, Akiza and Ashley are defeated; forced into bed to recover.
    "Leo, Luna, Ashley, Akiza, you four are going to have to master Accel Synchro if you hope to defeat your clones. If you can't, you'll wind up defeated again, and this time, you might not make it back," said Yusei.
    "I hope Luna and the others will be ok," said Lester.
    "They will be fine," said Crow,"soon."

    The four recover and Luna, Akiza and Ashley manage to defeat their clones. Leo had begun to face off against his.
    "You cannot defeat me, you have yet to master Delta Accel Synchro. The same with those other fools, you can barely manage Accel Synchro! And even if you did manage to beat me, it's not like you can save the city, the master has Dark Signers and Yliaster on his side, and they're a lot stronger than the ones you fought before!"

    -In this RP, the Dark Signers have returned along with Yliaster. It wont be the same members you all know, but you may use any character from the show including the old Yliaster and Dark Signer members.

    Yusei - Stardust Dragon
    Jack - Red Dragon Archfiend
    Crow - Black-Winged Dragon
    Akiza - Black Rose Dragon
    Luna - Ancient Fairy Dragon
    Leo - Life Stream Dragon
    Ashley (OC) - Red Blizzard Dragon

    If you lose your duel with a Dark Signer, you can only be knocked out. I want to make it right so everyone can stilll use their character. You can get a rematch with a Dark Signer if you want to, but not right after losing.You have to wait a bit, first.
    You can use any cards from, the show or manga, and you can also use made up cards.

    The first Dark Signer is named Toby,
    the 2nd dark signer name is sayer
    and we need at least 2 or 3 female dark signers
    the other 8 have not been picked yet.
    Go ahead, join in, pick who you want play as and what Dark Signer you want to face.
    Your original characters can join too. They can either help the Signers, or side with the Dark Signers, it's up to you.

    This RP is rated PG - 13.

    Appearance: she his yellow hair she war red shirt black jacket red gloves black shorts red sandals
    Signer or Dark signer: she signer
    Type of deck:ice deck
    Special Card: red blizzard dragon
    home town New Domino City
    powers psychic powers
    o and if you like.,you can use dm gx charaters to.

    Signer or Dark signer
    Type of deck:
    Special Card:
    home town

    o burno aka big part in hleping ohters with Delta Accel Synchro. and hleping them have better contorl over accel synchro. and later.limt over accel snychro but that for,fianl battle with shadow man. any one who wants use him lot me know and feel free to give him a name :)

    o one more thing. the signer that toby. wants to face is leo. and the signer. sayer wants to face akiza.

    one last thing lester duel one if ylisater members and lester be defeated and when lester heals then he luna talk him in to teaming up with her to to vs this member​
    Thread by: signerleo, Jun 9, 2012, 4 replies, in forum: Retirement Home