Recent Content by seph-X7

  1. seph-X7
    Xambala was watching this up in the sky, then turned his bike around yelling in the open darkness of the underworld "FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!!" DX *slaps self* then says subtly to himself damn man, Iv'e been on the streets and I know EXACTLY whats going to happen...."*shakes head* "it's ok...just turn around and pretend you didn't see anything Xambala..." *turns around, waves at Axel and Demyx, eye twitching*
    Post by: seph-X7, May 21, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. seph-X7
    OOC: k, cool
    Post by: seph-X7, May 15, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. seph-X7
    Xambala waved back and said "thank you" he then looked at the demonds fixing up Demyx, he remembered he had a special potion that he smuggled, he started reaching in his coat to pull out a phoenix down, but didn't want to reviel it in plain site, other wise Braxen would start wondering where he got all this equipment, so he put it back in his coat and said "I HOPE DEMYX IS GUNNA BE ALL RIGHT!"
    Post by: seph-X7, May 12, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. seph-X7
    Xambala looked back at the fight, and took off his head-phones just in time to listen to what axel was saying and said to himself from high into the air "now a fight....."goes down a few feet to where axel was and put his thumb up into the air and said "way to go man....way to go..."
    Post by: seph-X7, May 11, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. seph-X7
    ooc: *snaps finger* I forgot to add, he was listening to music at the time....*shrugs* oh well...
    Post by: seph-X7, May 10, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. seph-X7
    ooc: IM aware, but since Xambala turned his head to see that Mixt was carryig you he did not notice...
    Post by: seph-X7, May 10, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. seph-X7
    Xambala watches Mixt carrying Gexlion and wounders how he got shredded up like that in the first place, from high atop the arena on his motorcycle, which is hard to see from since he rose that high into the air, but ponders on who will win in the fight between Axel and Demyx, and what there wish is... he would think either nobody would wish for the worlds to be bck to normal so they all can bust out of here, but he still ponders this, as he turns his head towards the fight between Axel and Demyx.
    Post by: seph-X7, May 10, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. seph-X7
    'hmm....' looks through his portal and wonders who is going to win "intrigueing...." drinks wine
    Post by: seph-X7, May 3, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. seph-X7
    "hmph.... figured as much...."Xambala said kinda pissed that the bar is gone, but the portal to see the fight was still open "immature judge....taking the bar away....oh well...."summons motorcycle and sits on it. He then pops a small cartridge in the motorcycle revealing a bottle of wine. he opens it and drinks it while watching the fight
    Post by: seph-X7, May 1, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. seph-X7
    Xambala heard what Braxen said but didn't care, cause he was still drinking his wine and figured he'll watch the battle through one of his dark portals and so he opened one, using light, he made it visible to see the battle from the bar, while drinking his wine
    Post by: seph-X7, May 1, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. seph-X7
    Xambala starts drinking until he reached half the bottle then started singing "pass around the bottle boys, lets talk about old OLD TIMES, like ROLLIN IN it's COOOLD as sin,here on the well fare line" drinks
    Post by: seph-X7, Apr 29, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. seph-X7
    he sits down on a stool "gimme the usual please....." the demond starts opening the large bottle of wine "sure thing" gives Xambala the bottle of wine "here you go" Xambala takes the bottle "thanks...."drinks
    Post by: seph-X7, Apr 28, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. seph-X7
    takes a piss behind the bar,zips, opens portal and pulls out a bottle of water and soap and washes hands then dries off hands "man....the sooner we get out of here, the bathroom.....oh well, it's time for some enjoyment"walks over to the festival and sees everyone there, and just turns away from the crowd and goes inside the bar allone except for the bartender
    Post by: seph-X7, Apr 28, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. seph-X7
    within the room Xambala sees all the secret little things he has kept in here, he was looking for one specific object though, the olympion gold case that he heard about from hades himself,which can imprison anyone and anything, he opened a portal and grabbed the case and put it inside closing the portal afterwards "hehehhehe..... perfect...." he then used his dark powers to open a portal, transport himself behind the bar ,closing the portal afterwards
    Post by: seph-X7, Apr 28, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. seph-X7
    "iv'e got one little chore to do before we break out of here....."using his time wisely, and using the festival as a distraction he goes into a secret chamber of the underworld he had secretly known about, he used his dark powers to simply teleport inside the secret room
    Post by: seph-X7, Apr 28, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home