i know that already,some of the codes have no effect. Hey, will you tell me how to deactivate joker now? i need your help dude!
never mind about that,i converted the codes myself and some of them isn't working.anyway,can you tell me how to deactivate joker command for...
i converted these codebreaker 7 codes to armax,but it won't work and the screen keeps showing "the cheat is for the wrong game" please help meee!!
Max Attack 254D76B3 8A6A0DE5 Max Defense 9CC0705E D348BFC1 Max Fire Res 9540D019 60FFF82D Max Water Res 9ECC51D5 14469D70 Max Thunder Res...
Hello!i know this is so sudden,but can you help me convert monster hunter codes? i want to convert the cb 7 to ar max ntsc! can you help me pleasee!!
Yo,check this out,i got the ar tonelico 2!!!the graphics is very much the same as mana khemia. How are things on your end?
*Vanquished the monster cookie and are all of the dark cookies* uuugh i'm not feeling so good...Oh!?? *turned into a darkling* UHAHAHAHAHA!!
Wow,*takes all the cookies* *ate all the cookies* ugh my mouth is full! how bout the darkside?is it cool?
what's that lol....
Ok!i'll try it out.
Blah blah.............. i can't play games anymore....too bored....
Sweet!any luck on finding org XIII cards?
well ok.Oh yeah,my voice is rather identical to zexion's,is that ok?
uhhh wanna play the kira game?
Well i'll think about it.Call me out if you got some lines ready ok?