Recent Content by ruinedunatin

  1. ruinedunatin
    HAhahah looks like I am answering half of my own Question
    Interview with Nomura
  2. ruinedunatin
    After seeing all the KH 3D trailers and such, I was wondering, will all the Nobodies of Organization XIII's original persons be coming back to life (Aelus, Lea etc.), because xehanort is after his nobody/heartless was defeated. But seeing as nothing is ever said about the other members of Org. XIII having heartless, will they all be coming back? Or is all the stuff in the trailer only flash backs?
    Also by the look of 'Blank points', Sora will be helping out everyone who has suffered etc. from Xehanort/Xemnas/Ansem SoD, but how can he do anything for Roxas and Xion, when their original was Sora?
    Thread by: ruinedunatin, Feb 9, 2012, 10 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.8: Final Chapter Prologue
  3. ruinedunatin
    Probably cloud, sleight wise Holy was very helpfull against the neo shadows on the 13th floor (except when they went into the ground) and enemy card wise, Jafar and Oogie Boogie.
    Post by: ruinedunatin, Nov 5, 2011 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  4. ruinedunatin
    Hahah yeah i personally think roxas so all you people who say sora are wrong >:|
    Post by: ruinedunatin, Oct 27, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. ruinedunatin
    In your opinion, whos a better character, Sora or Roxas?
    Not whose stronger or anything, but who do you like better.
    Thread by: ruinedunatin, Oct 27, 2011, 18 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. ruinedunatin
    But he did say he was gonna try and get new people into the series and that he was looking into doing something for the 10th anniversary of the game.
    Post by: ruinedunatin, Oct 27, 2011 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  7. ruinedunatin
    OK so the PSP Remastereds have started comming out (monster hunter, etc.)
    So what do you think the odds are of BBS being 'remastered' for PS3?
    Nomura has said that he wants to make it easier for newcomers to get into the series (because most of the spin offs are directed at fans story wise).
    Some people have speculated that thisll mean a remastered of KHI and II (maybe CoM) but do you think maybe they'll start it off chronologically? Even though BBS is a fairly recent game?
    Thread by: ruinedunatin, Oct 27, 2011, 11 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  8. ruinedunatin
    I would like to see a PS3 port of KHI FM, KH RE:CoM and KHII FM+ (or even just of the originals/not final mixes) before a remake of 358/2 days, despite the dragging story line and weak enemies with lots of health, i think its pretty good as it is.
    Although, if they could fit it, a port of 358/2 days and RE:Coded would be nice in the same package, however unlikely that would be. Somehow i dont see them giving out five games in one package. BBS will probably get done as a PSP Remastered rather then being put in a package :|
    Post by: ruinedunatin, Oct 27, 2011 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  9. ruinedunatin
    A palette change would be good.
  10. ruinedunatin
    Yeah, I like the idea of the good and bad types, I remember how abosolutely thrilled i was when i was playing the first game and you got to play as a shadow, even if it was short lived and you couldnt attack. I could never work out what to do with the white/red mushrooms :/
    I hope they're not too easy to kill becuase by the looks of the trailer, Sora and Riku become really powerfull, so i'd prefer it if they were harder, but not like the enemys in 358/2 days that just had heaps of Health.
  11. ruinedunatin
    Recently read the TGS 2011 stuff about Dream Drop Distance and watched the new Trailer, pretty happy to see Neku in there and all but the new enemies are much different from what we usually have in Kingdom Hearts games. They seem closer to Unversed then either Heartless or Nobodies.
    Anyway, thoughts on the new Dream Eaters? good? bad?
    Thread by: ruinedunatin, Oct 15, 2011, 36 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.8: Final Chapter Prologue