Can anybody get some high quality stills from this..? I would love some pictures of Axel all CG'd. I freaked out when i saw him NDJSNFDIJSNF
I bought the snuggie! Its so warm..
Well.. what about Axel's tattoos? Hopefully they fill us in on everything.
Oh my gosh.. im so excited! Its been some time since they've done the nice intro-ending things, huh?
Mine is "In transit" Haha. It says it should arrive tomorrow, woo!
Gaaah mine doesn't come till thursday!
I didn't expect them to make manga out of this, woo!
Whaaat? What about the north american website?
Lets pray Aqua isn't a mary-sue, though the "she is always worrying for her friends" makes me worry though..
By the look of this,, i hope they are in KH III hahaha I hope the org. comes back somehow, as unbirths or something trippy like that haha. And make em really super dark muahahah
I'm just going to hang around till it comes out in the U.S. As much as i want to read every little thing about it, I know I'll spoil myself.
My mic is crappy.. but i'll try. Once im home alone and people won't think im a freak.. xD
Ohhh.. i want a scarf. Can you buy them from there?
! my LORD they are expenisve! holy god..
? Will the calendar be for sale?