Recent Content by Red_Bones15

  1. Red_Bones15
    NOTE TO EVERYONE: We only need 6 more people to join the thread then it can start, so please feel free to invite your friends to the thread. ^_^ And I updated the story a little so it looks better now.
    Post by: Red_Bones15, Nov 7, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Red_Bones15
    Thank-you for joining! I will add you to the list. Oh, and feel free to invite people to this thread. ^_^
    Post by: Red_Bones15, Nov 5, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Red_Bones15
    Hello. Can I have a sig medium size, with a picture of Sora Riku and Kari on it and on the bottom of the picture can you put "Friendship is Eternal" ? And if you can make the words green. Thank-you soooo much!
    Post by: Red_Bones15, Oct 30, 2007 in forum: Art Shop
  4. Red_Bones15
    Very sorry peoples. My friend came over on Saturday and I had no time to start the Thread. Even if I did there wouldn't be enough people yet so before I set another date I will wait till more people Join. Feel free to invite! ^_^

    Post by: Red_Bones15, Oct 28, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Red_Bones15
    No Problem. And if you know any people that might want to join, you can invite them, I have a lot of space open so feel free to invite! ^_^
    Post by: Red_Bones15, Oct 24, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Red_Bones15
    On October 27, This saturday. I'll gicve the signal to start talking. If anything pops up look at the first page, with all the rules and stuff.
    Post by: Red_Bones15, Oct 24, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Red_Bones15
    No Problem. ^_^
    Post by: Red_Bones15, Oct 24, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Red_Bones15
    Ok, I'll add you to the list. Welcome aboard! ^_^
    Post by: Red_Bones15, Oct 24, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Red_Bones15
    Sorry, but we get all our powers taken away. Remember? So you don't have any element now. But you do have your sword. ^_^

    Thank-you. LOL I forgot to put in in the RP section
    Post by: Red_Bones15, Oct 24, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Red_Bones15
    Here's the story, All of the characters from Kingdom Hearts were going to to make a huge movie to finish the KH story, but a strange beam of energy hits they're airplane (they are riding on an airplane beacause they want to rest, not waste they're energy teleporting that long a distance) out of no where. So they crash land on the ocean. As you may know, they have powers, so you would think that it would be a piece of cake for them to get out of the plane right, well WRONG! The beam of energy took away they're powers, so some of them were panicing when they tried to escape. When they hit the ocean, some of them died and some lived. The ones that lived managed to get out of the plane, and found land, (It's a miracle!) but had no idea what island it was, or where it was...

    We are the survivors, so you can be anyone from KH or KH2 that you want to or make up your own character, since they were going to make a movie there might be new characters in it. When we start This we'll have been our first day on the Island so we just swam ashore. Oh yeah, it takes place in real time, so if it's the morning in real time it's morning in the story, got it? The maximum number of people that can be in this thread is 18 including me, so that makes 17 and I'm reserving two spots for my friends if they want to join, that leaves 15, sorry. Anyway, pick from any of the KH or KH2 characters you want I will list whose been taken so you won't be confused. THE THREAD STARTS WHEN THERE'S AT LEAST TEN PEOPLE, WHEN THERE ARE, UPDATES WILL BE ON THIS MESSAGE ABOUT WHEN TO START, GOT IT? ^_^ Have Fun!

    Xornadj - Red_Bones15
    Tynoxahn - La Sofa
    Exel - TheGamblerOfFate
    Serene - AngelsNeedFlight

    RULES: No cursing or showing inappropriate pictures, or pictures with blood in them. And remember to be neat when you write like this, ( Fred said with horror, "You were the one who ate my cookie?!?!" ) not like this, ( fred said you ate my cookie?) Get the picture? If you violate any of thes rules you will be dismembered from the Thread. Oh, and the writing thing, yeah, it might take you a while to master writing like that, I still have some trouble writing like that, so if you make a mistake, Don't worry about it. ^_^

    P.S. The island is about 20 miles wide all the way around, and is covered in forest, and has two rivers in it. The characters who had keyblades now don't due to the beam of energy, so we basically are now just like normal people with no powers. Oh, and the bad guys and good guy are friends with each other since supposedly the game and movie were just acting, and If you make up a character, you will have to meet the players who are already in the game.
    Thread by: Red_Bones15, Oct 24, 2007, 19 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Red_Bones15
    I am closing this thread. So don't post anymore. I f you wish you can check out my other threads please do so
    Post by: Red_Bones15, May 31, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Red_Bones15
    Thank-you La Sofa I love it!
    Post by: Red_Bones15, May 28, 2007 in forum: Art Shop
  13. Red_Bones15
    OOC I guess nobody's on except for u and me...... This Thead is kinda boring, but I have a great ides for an adventure one!
    Post by: Red_Bones15, May 28, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Red_Bones15
    Hey eveybody I won't be on until Saturday cause of school sorry. Gtg got homework, uuggghh...
    Post by: Red_Bones15, May 24, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home