Recent Content by PiccChicc

  1. PiccChicc
    Ok, check it out, I figured out the Roaming Cyndaquil thing. As it turns out, this Cyndaquil is like a Legendary. It runs freely throughout the game and runs when you try to battle it (like Suicune, Entei, and Raikou). But it's only at level 5 so it's pretty easy to get despite the odds of you finding it. As for the Lucario thing I don't know. I haven't run across anything and I don't actually know how to make the codes. Sorry.
    Post by: PiccChicc, Mar 29, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  2. PiccChicc
    I found it too at Supercheats, but when I went back to check it out, the cheat was gone. I haven't been able to find it anywhere but here but there are no instructions for it like there was on Supercheats. Oh well, thanks anyway.

    Ok, I found it, but they're isn't any instructions like I thought.... it doesn't even say to press L+R. But here you go.

    "Are you bored of the 4th generation starters? Do you want retro starters with the same summary information you would see on the Platinum starters? Now you can! Because starters were met at Verity Lake, you couldn't get a perfect, level 5 retro starter with 31 IVs without it "originally" being yours; because Random Location cheats wouldn't allow the Pokémon. But now, since the starters are obtained at Route 201, you can use Random Location cheats to get that perfect starter!
    Below is the cheat for a Cyndaquil, generated by Pokésav ~Platinum Edition~. The Cyndaquil is at level 5, has an Adamant nature, and has 31 in every IV (that's a Dark-type Hidden Power, by the way). If you like the 2nd generation fire starter family, then you'll absolutely love this."

    94000130 FCFF0000
    B2101D40 00000000
    E0008020 00000018
    3FFFFFFF 7270E6F2
    0016009B 00010005
    00000000 00000000
    D2000000 00000000
    Post by: PiccChicc, Mar 29, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  3. PiccChicc
    Question about the Roaming Cyndaquil... what's supposed to happen? I've got the code correct and entered in my AR, but when I do the L+R nothing happens. There's no guy in green at the Pokemart either. What am I supposed to do or what am I doing wrong?
    Post by: PiccChicc, Mar 29, 2009 in forum: Code Vault