i think it's very likely, since it was done for all the others- it's become kind of the tune associated with Kindom Hearts (besides the main themes). so, probably.
i think that they are somewhat limited by the fact that KH is one ongoing story, i mean, it can't go on forever like FF theoretically could...but i definetly agree that there is enough material there to keep the story going on for a long time. and you know what else i think? i think that the story is just going to keep getting better and better, as well as more involved. i mean, it's already a pretty complicated story, and like someone said, this is just the beginning!
i think that now they've laid the basics of the story and the main characters down, they can really expand on it. i can already tell that KH is never going to be the kind of story where you can just pick up the latest one and understand what's going on. Sort of like how the only way to really get KH2 is to play CoM.
holy crap. holy crap. holy crap! I didn't even expect to place! I just got on to see if I had any more comments, and then found out that I got first! Thanks!! *big hug*
Roxas said this when he fought against Sora! The director's secret report said that one of the 'untold stories' was Roxas' time in Organization XIII. What did he know that we don't, I wonder? >.>
that it was hinting at things in KH2, and maybe even something further on. "Ones born of the heart/ And darkness, hunger/ For every heart until/ The dark door opens." is it saying that the Door to Darkness will open again? hey, for all i know, it doesn't mean anything and i'm just over-analyzing stuff. but it's fun to wonder.
At the End of the World, you go through the ‘world terminus’ that has replica versions of all the worlds. The very final portal has huge orange flame coming out of it. When you step into the orange flame, you find a hallway with a giant Heartless symbol blocking the path…but on the left is a lab-looking room. In that room is a machine thing with words written on it. it's like some kind of creepy prophecy.
Ones born of the heart and darkness, devoid of hearts,
Ravage all worlds and bring desolation.
Seize all hearts and consummate the greatest heart.
All hearts to be one,
One heart to encompass all.
Realize the destiny:
The realm of Kingdom Hearts.
The great darkness sealed
Within the great heart.
Progeny of darkness, come
Back to the eternal darkness
For the heart of light
Shall unseal the path.
Seven hearts, one Keyhole,
One key to the door.
The door of darkness,
Tied by two keys.
The door of darkness to seal the light.
None shall pass but shadows,
Returning to the darkness.
Ones born of the heart
And darkness, hunger
For every heart until
The dark door opens.
After you read it, Heartless attack you. When you go back the way you came, the flame disappears and leaves a hole that you jump in to fight the demon in the volcano. In other words, that room appears only once and you can never visit it again without starting the game over.
I wonder why this thing was just randomly put into the game...and what it means in respect to the storyline. Like, what was that place? And the first stanza sounds an awful lot like the Organization, don't you think?
yeah some things were added but some things were cut out. i liked it, though. it's definetly an interesting twist on the story. one thing, though, is that it made it the story seem shorter...probably because when you're actually playing the game you have tons of battles in between X< i know it took me ages to beat CoM on the Gameboy...like most of your time was spent leveling up.
i liked how the boss fights had to be given some new original way of happening... since after all you obviously can't translate a real boss fight into manga without it being confusing or boring.
for me the most touching scene was from Riku and Sora sitting on the dark beach all the way to the end. i tear up every time i see that.
another one is one i never saw till just the last time i played- i was curious to see what would happen if you actually lost to Setzer in the struggle match, so i lost on purpose. what happens is that Roxas goes over to the side looking dissapointed and his friends stand around him, but after a second they start clapping for him. it's a really small scene, but it was very touching to me.
i didn't know Riku's hp transferred to you, either. interesting...and controlling Riku would be more fun if you didn't have to dodge those wall things.
aren't there several boss fights like that? when their hp reaches a certain level, it triggers off some move or action?
the Phantom probably was probably the one i struggled with the most. i nearly had a heart attack the first time i fought it- i had gone back to the clock tower to get the puppies there so i could see the secret ending and it popped up without me expecting it! i died spectacularly. then i had to beat it before i could get the puppies :( that made me so mad.
but the most annoying hands down would be Oogie Boogie! it wasn't really hard, just annoying because you had to wait for him to raise the floor...it felt like two hours trying to beat him.
my problem is, i go through the steps and end up getting completely lost and frustrated along the way. i get the wrong answer and i can't see how. then i give up. :P
is there some easy way to remember what steps you have to take, what order they go in? especially in factoring.